Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 4-5-16 Edition
P. 9

Rod Carter Elected President Of TBABJ
NCNW Education Committee Takes 33 Students To B-CU
Veteran news anchor Rod Carter has been elected president of the Tampa Bay Association of Black Journal- ists (TBABJ).
The WFLA News Chan- nel 8 anchor will lead the or- ganization that represents journalists and communica- tion professionals of color in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Cit- rus, Hernando, Polk, Mana- tee and Pasco Counties. He previously served as TBABJ’s vice president of broadcast.
Carter anchors News Channel 8’s weekend evening newscasts at 6 p. m. and 11 p. m. He also anchors “News Channel 8 at 8’’ Sat- urday and Sunday evenings on Great 38/WTTA-TV.
He is a proud graduate of Florida A&M University (FAMU) in Tallahassee and second vice president of the Tampa chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity.
Carter is very active in the community and serves as emcee of many community events throughout Tampa Bay.
He is on the Community Leadership Board of the American Diabetes Associa- tion; a Swope, Rodante Van- guard Award Selection Board member; member of the FAMU School of Journalism & Graphic Communication Board of Visitors; a life mem- ber of the FAMU National
Alumni Association; and a board member with the Cres- cent Foundation, the non- profit arm of the Tampa Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. Carter also is a member of Beulah Baptist Institutional Church in Tampa, where he serves on the public relations team.
Carter replaces Lor- raine McBride, a producer with Bay News 9.
TBABJ, an affiliate of the National Association of Black Journalists, strives to help ensure diversity in area media and accurate, bal- anced coverage of communi- ties of color while serving as a resource for both estab- lished and aspiring commu- nicators of African descent.
Students from several Hillsborough County high schools had a wonderful experience sharing campus life for a day at B-CU.
Miss TAT Time Correction
An article in Friday’s (April 1, 2016) issue gave an incorrect time for the Miss Teenage Tampa Pageant.
The time for the pageant is 5 p. m. on Sunday, April 17, 2016, at the David A. Straz, Jr. Performing Arts Center.
On Monday, March 14, 2016, the NCNW Education Committee took 33 students along with 10 chaperones on the tour at Bethune-Cookman University.
Some of the students were from the fol- lowing Hillsborough County High Schools: Middleton High, Armwood High, Hillsbor- ough High, Tampa Bay Technical High, Blake High, and Brewster Technical Col- lege. The students shared the experience of having lunch on the University campus alongside Bethune-Cookman University
The trip is made to B-CU annually to in-
troduce students to college life and to share about NCNW’s founder, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune.
Mrs. Tee Solomon is the Tampa Met- ropolitan Section President; Mrs. Josephine Townsend is the Education Committee Chairman, Mrs. Joann Har- ris, Mrs. Colleen Smith, and Mrs. Glo- ria W. Davis, along with other NCNW members were present.

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