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4 Vital Points To Christian Living Hebrews 12: 14-29
ward all other believers, we must pursue peace as we be- come more Christlike.
Bitterness comes when we allow disappointment to grow into resentment, or when we nurse grudges over past hurts. Bitterness feeds jealousy and immorality. When the Holy Spirit fills our lives, we can be healed.
The second two vital points are mentioned in verses 28, 29. (3) Believers are to be grateful (filled with grace). (4) Believers are to be worshipful. So Christians serve God with reverence and awe. These four commands can be overwhelm- ing to obey given the fallen cre- ation. But the mediator of the new covenant makes them possible.
Mountains—of God Hebrews 12:18-23
Two mountains are con- trasted in these verses. The first is Mount Sinai (18-21; Cf. Galatians 4:21-31). The Hebrew writer recalls the events of Exodus 19 and Deuteronomy 5. As God
came down on Mount Sinai to give the Ten Commandments to Moses, all Heaven broke loose.
The classic signs of a God encounter were present—fire, darkness, gloom, storm, trum- pet blast, and a voice. It was, in the truest sense, awesome. These special manifestations of God’s presence were the precursor to the Mosaic covenant. The result of such an incredible moment was fear. The people were afraid and, in a sense, the animals were afraid (killed if they happened to touch the mountain), and Moses was scared to death (lit- erally, “fearing out and trem- bling”).
But the Hebrew writer teaches about another moun- tain—even more awesome than Mount Sinai. It was Mount Zion (22, 23), the an- titype of Mount Sinai.
What a contrast between the people’s terrified approach to God at Mt. Sinai and their joyful approach to Mt. Zion. What a difference Jesus has
made! Before he came, God seemed distant and threaten- ing. After he came, God wel- comes us through Christ into his presence.
Mediator—of Covenant Hebrews 12:24-27
How can sinful people come into the presence of God? The answer is Jesus! Our great mediator (one who inter- venes between conflicting par- ties) makes this possible. His blood is more effectual (since it was from an innocent and willing sacrifice) than Abel’s blood (since it was from a self- ish murder by Cain).
But we should not presume on that mediator and his sacri- fice. Jesus is not a patsy. We cannot refuse him and get away with it (see Hebrews 2:1-3).
The Hebrew writer quotes Haggai 2:6. The prophet pre- dicted a time when God would shake the earth again. In Jesus and the new covenant that shaking has begun. So do not mess with the mediator. He knows something about fire.
Technically a covenant (or testament) is not a book; it is an agreement in a relationship. And relationships change due more to people than events. This in no way denigrates the event of the cross, which sig- naled the change of covenant (Hebrews 9:16). But is the cross the key to the covenant shift or is the Christ of the cross as mediator the key to the covenant shift?
Our lesson text begins and ends with imperatives for Christian living.
Manner—of Living: Warning Against Refusing To Listen Hebrews 12:14, 15, 28, 29
There are four vital points for Christian living in these verses. The first two are in
verses 14, 15. (1) Believers are to live in (hunt down) peace and holiness. Notice that holi- ness has an addendum to it, without holiness no one will see the Lord. (2) Believers are to ensure (oversee) that no one lacks grace or has bitterness grow in their lives. If this com- mand is not embraced moral defilement occurs—as was the case with Esau (mentioned in verses 16, 17).
Sin always blocks our vision ofGod,soifwewanttosee God, we must remove it from our lives (see Psalms 24:3, 4). Holiness is coupled with peace, staying out of quarrels. A right relationship with God leads to right relationships with fellow believers. Although we will not always feel love to-