Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 3-29-16 Edition
P. 19

‘Coke’ Transporting Flight
Order Of
Gov. Wants Black Panther
Attendant Alerts Major
Black Nuns
In Cuba To Be Returned To
Airport Security Flaws
To Celebrate
American Shores (Again)
Black Panther Party mem- ber, Assata Shakur aka Joanne Chesimard was granted politi- cal asylum in Cuba after escap- ing from an American prison.
first-degree murder and seven other felony charges. She trav- eled to Cuba in 1984 and has been living there ever since. Cuban officials told Christie in 2014 that they have not en- tered into an extradition treaty with the United States and haven’t announced new plans to do so.
A Brooklyn magistrate judge agreed to release on bail a Jet- Blue flight attendant charged with ditching 70 pounds of co- caine at Los Angeles Interna- tional Airport — but the feds immediately clipped her wings. Marsha Gay Reynolds ap- peared in Brooklyn Federal Court supported by family, her minister, and a former city councilman. She faces at least 10 years in prison if convicted. She was cleared for takeoff on $500,000 bail until Assistant U.S. Attorney Alicia Wash- ington requested a stay until an appeal could be heard by a federal magistrate judge in Los Angeles.
The prosecutor argued that last Friday's bizarre incident in which Reynolds abandoned two pieces of luggage after she was randomly selected for checkpoint screening was not her first try at drug smuggling.
Reynolds, 31, kicked off her Gucci shoes and fled the airport leaving behind the coke valued at $3 million. She some- how made her way home later to Queens where she surren- dered to authorities on Wednesday.
The defendant's co-conspir- ator also has tried to flee to Ja- maica (the Caribbean Island) Washington told Magis- trate Viktor Pohorelsky.
Reynolds' unidentified guy pal has access to forged travel documents, Washington said.
Defense lawyer Dennis Ring said negotiations for his client to surrender in L.A. blew up when the coke case went viral in the media.
Reynolds is a former
100 Year
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is once again igniting a push to bring wanted fugitive Assata Shakur back to American shores. Gov. Christie wrote an op-ed that was published Wednesday (Mar. 23) de- manding President Barack Obama to urge officials in Cuba to no longer grant Shakur political asylum and have her face justice.
Christie’s op-ed piece ap- peared in The Record and made mention of President Obama’s recent visit to Cuba and the reopening of diplo- matic ties between the nations. Christie addressed Shakur by her birth name, Joanne Chesimard, and mentioned her criminal record, most es- pecially her role in the death of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster.
There has not been a re- sponse from the White House regarding Christie’s letter.
Shakur escaped prison in 1979 after she was convicted of
JetBlue flight attendant, Marsha Gay Reynolds is being held in custody for transport- ing cocaine.
beauty queen in Jamaica, where she was born, a graduate of New York University, and is studying to be a nurse at Mercy College while working for Jet- Blue. She has been suspended from her job.
The fact that Reynolds, simply used an airline badge with her real name to board an- other flight the next morning at one of the nation’s busiest air- ports has set off a security con- cern.
Communication lapses, bu- reaucratic complications and special security privileges af- forded airline workers all con- tributed to Ms. Reynolds’s ability to remain out of the grasp of law enforcement au- thorities until she surrendered four days later at Kennedy Air- port in New York.
“This is a security break- down,” said Marshall Mc- Clain, president of the union representing Los Angeles air- port police officers. “That could have easily been an explosive device and a terrorist running from the checkpoint. And we wouldn’t have known until it went ‘boom.’ ”
The nuns of the Mother- house of the Franciscan Hand- maids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary in Central Harlem to celebrate 100 year anniver- sary.
There are only three orders of African-American nuns in the United States, and one in the heart of Harlem will celebrate its centennial Tuesday, reports the New York Daily News.
The nuns of the Motherhouse of the Franciscan Handmaids of the Most Pure Heart of Mary in Central Harlem say they are often called “Whoopi Gold- berg” on the streets because the Oscar-winning actress por- trayed a black nun in the Sister Act film franchise.
“A lot of people we talk to today, they didn't know there are black nuns here in Harlem,” Gertrude Ihenacho aka Sis- ter Gertrude, said. “They say, 'Black nuns? We never knew they existed.'”
The News reports that the order was originally formed in Savannah, Ga., in 1916 because of legislation that prohibited white clergy from educating and providing pastoral care to African Americans.
It moved to Harlem in 1923 and is best known for its pre- school education programs, from which Harlem Congress- man Charles Rangel gradu- ated. The order still serves the poor and working class in Harlem through community service and its affordable St. Benedict's Day Nursery, serving children 2-4, which stays open extra-long hours to accommo- date families holding down more than one job.
The nuns have hit on some hard times over the last century, and was going to close up shop in 2014. Yet, when Pope Fran- cis (also in the Franciscan order) issued a stirring call to duty, the nuns’ faith was re- newed.
The sisters started a website dedicated to social justice and tried to recruit younger women to serve the poor, including in her native Nigeria.
The efforts paid off. There are now 15 sisters in New York, two in other states and three more in training in Nigeria, according to the News.
Among the guests expected to join in Tuesday’s celebration are Archbishop of New York Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Susan L. Taylor, Melba Moore, Marc Morial, Al Sharpton, Charles Rangel and Dionne Warwick.
New Hair Growth Company Getting Major Results
Examples of hair growth.
Ted Cruz Dealing With Scandal Thanks To Donald Trump
Nationwide — A four-month old African American-owned company has created a nation- wide frenzy with its all-natural internal hair regrowth prod- ucts. These products are help- ing women (and men) who have lost hair for numerous reasons to grow hair again “like wild weeds!”
The company is called MyFlowIndustry, created by Dr. Malikah Murphy who is also the CEO, and they have quickly made their mark in the $500 billion dollar hair care industry. Their over-night suc- cess is due to the remarkable results that both women and men are experiencing with their products, which by the way have no chemical ingredi- ents and are totally drinkable — just like lemonade or tea.
According to Raven L. Mahdee, a representative of the company, MyFlowIndus- try, has experienced massive success early due to the unique
fact that once their customer grow hair again, they don’t have to keep drinking the product in fear of losing their hair. If they discontinue using the product, their hair will re- main – unlike what happens a lot with other chemical-laced hair products on the market.
Not available at major re- tailers.
The product has caught the attention of major retailers, but Dr. Murphy has made the decision to not go into stores with the products. In- stead, she is allowing African- American entrepreneurs and others to become independent business owners within the company and give them the opportunity to build a prof- itable business by sharing the products with their family, friends and others. For more information about the com- pany, MyFlowIndustry, and/or the products, visit http://do-
It has long been said that when it comes to power, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Nevertheless, no mat- ter what one thinks of the cur- rent state of the Republican party or the highly contentious race between GOP Presidential nominee candidates, the depths to which the political warfare threatens to sink be- tween GOP frontrunners Don- ald Trump and Ted Cruz is truly circling a metaphorical gutter which few would wish on their own worst enemy – no matter what the political bene- fit come November.
The latest brouhaha in a Re- publican race includes The Na- tional Enquirer, and the accusation by Ted Cruz that his party political rival, Donald Trump has supplied the su- permarket tabloid with a dam- aging story that The Enquirer has released alleging that Cruz has engaged in nothing short of five extramarital affairs with five “secret mistresses.”
Ted Cruz
Cruz has said that 24 hours before this salacious “tabloid smear” broke in The National Enquirer, Trump had tweeted about Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, “threatening her” and “attacking her directly,” in what is believed to have been a tit for tat response to a very suggestive nude modeling photo of Trump’s wife, Mela- nia that was central in a cam- paign ad backing Cruz and questioning Melania’s suit- ability as a future First Lady.

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