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You Have The
mpowered Greet-
ings. You have the power. To have power is to have the ability to do some- thing in particular. When God created you, He gave you delegated authority, which equates to power. Of- tentimes people don’t recog- nize the level of the power they possess until they are faced with adversities. Even then, they sometimes stay stuck, instead of tapping into their inner power and un- tapped potential. Today, I want to encourage you to ac- tivate your
Here’s how.
If you are a believer you have to first utilize the power of your prayer. When you pray say what God has al- ready said through his writ- ten word. Why? The Bible says that if you remain in Christ and His words remain in you then you can ask for
what you want and it shall be granted. God answers the prayer of believers.
Know that you are cre- ated in the image of God. God made man from the dust of the ground but everything else He spoke into existence. Therefore, man was also cre- ated with the capacity to speak things that are not yet seen into a visible existence. This is the P.O.W. in power and stands for the power of words. If you can think, speak or write down words, you have power.
Lastly, there is power in what you do. Once you use the power of your prayer, it will be time to get up off your bent knees; stand to your feet and get busy developing the power of your habits. Habits are the things you do on a routine basis. Small things done daily can lead to big re- sults. The catch is you need
to do the right thing on a reg- ular basis to see the power of your efforts. Take inventory of the habits that aren’t ben- eficial to you and start to re- place them with new actions that will lead you to where you’re trying to go.
These three steps revolve around manifesting your power by prayer, words and actions. You can pray and use the P.O.W. When you speak what you want, you set things into motion and acti- vate the P.O.W. If you create a habit of doing the first two the possibility of your power to have, do or be anything is endless.
I pray this message has EMPOWERED, EDUCATED and ELEVATED you to your next level of SUCCESS.
Stay connected with Selphenia by email: Selphenia@Success-; follow her on twitter @queenofsuccess1; face- book: Selphenia Nichols Success Coach To Women; or call (813) 603-0088 to speak, train, Emcee or facilitate your next event.
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C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
Fall Of The First Amendment
he major reason why most Americans don’t un-
derstand the First Amendment is because they’ve never seen it. So, let’s rectify that road-block, here and now:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an estab- lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of griev- ances.”
So, what does the First Amendment mean? It means people have a right to express themselves, peaceably and humanely. What does “peaceably” and “hu- manely” mean? Ask the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the millions of Americans who bent knees in prayer and marched in protest against an America which refused to adhere to the dream that gave birth to it.
Ask the tens of thousands of young men who protested against the Viet Nam War by burning the American flag and their draft cards, or the countless women who burned their bras, or gays, lesbians, and transgender Americans who thronged American thor- oughfares in their right to walk in the sunshine.
Then ask the spirit of the late Muhammad Ali about the First Amendment as well as other athletes who put ethics ahead of popularity.
They, too, were children of the First Amendment.
Even the racist Ku Klux Klan, when it marched peacefully down Pennsylvania Avenue was embraced by the hands of the First Amendment.
For, such is the truth of a law created to protect all Americans.
And now, numerous NFL and NBA stars, because of their bended knee protests, have come face-to-face with a president, who not only refers to them as SOBs, but has threatened to substitute mob-mentality for public opinion.
So we say, he nor his hoodlum crowd are abiding by The First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution of America. (Pass it on!).
Racist Extremism Remains A Crisis In The United States
BY MARC H. MORIAL President and CEO National Urban League
he recent escalation of
NFL protests against police brutality seems to have sparked another wave of racist incidents across the United States. A fire chief in suburban Pittsburgh was fired after publicly using a racial slur against Steelers coach Mike Tomlinson. A bar in Missouri created a doormat of jerseys spelling out“LynchKaepernick."
The words of the Char- lottesville “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler, interviewed for a recent episode of NPR’s “This American Life,” may go a long way toward explaining why white supremacism and racial hostility are on the rise.
“We are being replaced culturally and ethnically,”
Kessler said, referring to white men. “It's a genocide by replacement ... Our first immigration policy, you know, said that in order to be a citizen you had to be a white person of good charac- ter, right? So it was explicitly a white country. Like, there are traditional demograph- ics. And when you don't re- spect those, you destroy a people.”
Kessler, 33, does not consider himself a white su- premacist. “White su- premacy,blah,blah,blah. That's a BS liberal term that you have been indoctrinated with. That white supremacy, white supremacy!" This is our country!”
The current Congress, the most diverse in history, is 81 percent male and 81 percent white. White men hold about 70 percent of all seats on cor- porate boards. More than 70 percent of Fortune 500 sen-
ior executives are white men. The Black unemployment rate is consistently about twice that of whites, and studies show resumes with traditionally “white-sound- ing” names garner about 50 percent more job interviews over “Black-sounding” names.
In every measureable way, white men are vastly overrepresented beyond their percentage of the U. S. population in positions of power. But men like Jason Kessler look at this overrep- resentation and see ... white genocide.
FBI Director Christo- pher Wray told Congress the agency has about 1,000 open investigations into po- tential domestic terrorists, including extremist white su- premacists and white nation- alists. Within the past nine years, right-wing extremists in the United States plotted or carried out nearly twice as many terrorist attacks as Is- lamist extremists. Police managed to foil twice as many of the Islamist cases as the right-wing incidents. Yet the current administration has decided to cut federal funding for groups fighting right-wing violence to shift more resources to fighting Islamist terrorism.