Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 10-13-17
P. 4

Judge To Host Annual Veterans Outreach Project
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
For the second consecu- tive year, a Hillsborough County judge will host an event for veterans. The event is designed for Veterans and will address minor legal con- cerns within the 13th Judicial Circuit.
The event will take place on Friday, November 3, 2017, at James A. Haley Vet- eran’s Hospital, Primary Care VA Annex, 13515 Lake Terrace Lane, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
However, anyone wishing to participate must complete manda- tory registration by Fri-
day, October 20, 2017. Last year, Judge Daryl Manning held the first “Veterans Outreach Court” Project. Its purpose is to help homeless and low-income Veterans by addressing ac-
tive misdemeanor warrants, fines, legal fees, court costs, and ordinance violations.
Judge Manning said, “Hillsborough County has one of the largest Veteran populations in the state. The Veterans Outreach Court is a means to assist veterans re- solve outstanding legal mat- ters. This assistance is not considered a handout, but a hand up to these Veterans that have sacrificed so much.”
A native of Brooklyn, New York, Judge Manning earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of South Carolina. He continued his education at St. John’s Uni- versity School of Law, where he received his Juris Doctor- ate. He attended the Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center, where he received his LL.M. degree.
Judge Manning was appointed to his judgeship in September 2015. He previ- ously served as Judge Advo- cate for the U. S. Army and Assistant Attorney General in the Tampa Attorney Gen- eral’s Office.
Walk To Support Mental Health Set For November 4th
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) will host its Second Annual NAMI Hillsborough 3K Walk/Run on Saturday, No- vember 4, 2017. The event, which drew more than 400 participants in 2016, will be held again at the YMCA Camp Cristiana in Riverview.
NAMI is the nation’s largest grass roots organiza- tion dedicated to “stomping out stigma” related to mental illness and increasing quality of life for those affected by mental illness, their families and their communities.
Ashley Wynn, the 2017 Chair of the Second Annual NAMI Hillsborough 3K Walk/Run, and President of NAMI Hillsborough Affilia- tion, said she’s excited about this year’s event.
“Last year’s Walk did make strides. The fact that people are reaching out, ask- ing when is it going to be, where is it going to be, when can I sign up, lets us know that there is an interest,” she said.
Thus far, NAMI has pulled in $9,000 in sponsor- ships from such organiza- tions as: Tampa Bay Foundation For Mental Health, The Tampa Chapter of The Links, Inc., StayWell, and Healthy Minds, M. D. (Dr. Marketa Wills). Ms. Wynn is pleased with the new sponsors as well: Crimi- nal Research and Investigat- ing and Windmoor Healthcare.
“This has been a compet- itive year for giving and that’s because there are so many important issues, but these organizations are ded-
ASHLEY WYNN ...Chair, 2nd Annual Walk/Run, and President of NAMI Hillsborough
icated to our cause,” she said.
Ms. Wynn is even more excited about the KidsZone that will be sponsored by Staywell. “This community partner will add a festival- feel to our Walk.”
NAMI Hillsborough was established in 1987. Their simple mission is -- to en- hance the lives of those suf- fering from mental illness and their families and loved ones, through support, edu- cation and advocacy.
Volunteers who want to help on the day of the event can email NAMIhillsbor ough.2017walkrun@gmail.c om for information.
Help the organization ex- pand its programs and offer more free services to the members of the community by joining together to “Stomp Out Stigma” on No- vember 4th and/or by donat- ing to support NAMI Hillsborough!
To register or donate go to: https://www.firstgiv- ough/2017NAMIHills. Find the event also on Face- book: https://www. face- h/.

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