Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 2-19-16 Edition
P. 10

Prayer Band Preparing For Its 51st Anniversary
The Citywide Mission Prayer Band is looking for relatives of former mem- bers
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The City Wide Mission Prayer Band was founded in 1945 by Clara Kegler. She served as President of the or- ganization until she passed in the late 1970s.
On Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 12 noon the women
will present their first program leading to their 51st anniver- sary, which will be celebrated in April. Ruth Jefferson is the current President and Be- linda Jefferson is the Vice President. Martha McClen- don is the only original mem- ber from the group.
The prayer band was origi- nally named Hyde Park Prayer Band. It was ordained and sanctioned by Beulah Baptist Church under Reverend A. Leon Lowry, pastor. Two of the group’s members were faithful members of the church – Ms. Kegler and Eddies Wilson.
Ms. Wilson followed Ms. Kegler as President and served more than 20 years, until her death. Under Ms. Wilson, the band’s name was changed to City Wide Mission Prayer Band. The name changed because 1) the Lord was adding members from across the city and 2) the mis- sion work that the group was doing.
Mother Emma Lee Car- penter served as President for nearly 25 years until she was called to be with the Lord on January 1, 2004.
Others who have served as president are: Mother Carrie Duval, Mother Florence White, Bertha Carter, Mary B. Cochran and now Ruth Jefferson.
In its history, the City Wide Mission Prayer Band says its purpose is to encourage all Christians to pray, to be all that God would have us to be, be servants of God by serving hu- manity; and to point mankind to the Savior.
Meetings are held on Tues- days at 12 noon at different lo- cations. The members also visit hospitals, nursing homes and any other places where the Spirit leads. In their benevolent work, the ladies take food and love offerings to homes that are in need.
The March 15th pre-an- niversary program will be held at 12 noon at Pilgrims Rest M. B. Church, 4202 W. Nassau St., Rev. Linda Reese, Pastor.
Can You Identify Anyone In This Photo?
The current members of the City Wide Mission Prayer Band are trying to identify the members in this photo. It is believed this is the first photo the group took. Please call Ruth Jefferson at (813) 872-7001.
Current members of the City Wide Mission Prayer Band: Betty Jo Hayes, Devotion Leader; Ruth Jefferson, President; and Belinda Jefferson, Vice President.

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