Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 5-8-18
P. 11

 Alumni Plans Miss Middleton And Queens Scholarship Ball
Free Youth Football Combine Coming To Tampa
  The George S. Middleton High School Alumni Associ- ation is planning a “Miss Middleton and Queens Scholarship Ball” for April, 2019. The date, time and location will be an- nounced soon. For more in- formation e-mail Corresponding Secretary Yvonne Douglas at yvonnedouglas1968@yahoo .com.
“We want to honor the ladies we chose as Miss Mid- dleton, Homecoming Queens and their courts during our long history (1934-2018) at both cam- puses of our school,” said Alumni Association Presi- dent Luvator Nelson. “And we also want to recog- nize Miss Freshman, Miss Sophomore and Miss Junior for those years. Please e- mail Yvonne Douglas as soon as possible if you were in either the Miss Middleton or Homecoming Queen Courts.”
This will be the alumni association’s major fund raiser for 2019 and the group will donate proceeds from the scholarship ball to the school to assist Middle- ton students. The ball also will unite graduates from both campuses: the original campus opened in 1934, closed as a high school in 1971 and the new campus
LUVATOR NELSON ...Alumni Association President
opened three blocks away in 2002.
Phan Boston (Miss Middleton of 1965) is chair of the scholarship ball com- mittee and Fred Hearns is co-chair. Sub-committee chairmen and members are: Woodrow Simmons, Pa-
tricia Cooper, Yvonne Douglas, Nicole Don- nell, Bettye Davis (Miss Middleton of 1964) and as- sociate alumni association member, Carla White.
All committees welcome others who would like to help plan this spectacular event. Middletonians and prospect associate members should e-mail Ms. Douglas with their contact informa- tion.
The Alumni Associa- tion’s next meeting will be held Saturday June 2, 11 a. m. at the Tampa Police De- partment District 3 Office, 3808 N. 22nd Street in East Tampa. All Middletonians and prospective associate members are invited to at- tend.
   Online football commu- nity to create free youth combine. Pre-registration is required. has part- nered with the Hillsborough County Parks and Recre- ation Department, Tampa Bay Youth Football League, and the Positive Coaching Alliance to host a free youth football combine open to ages 8-14.
On Saturday, May 19th, the Skyway Park, 3901 G4eorge Rd., Tampa, will host the Youth Football Combine from 9:30 A. M. EST, to 12 P. M. EST. The event is free, however, pre- registration is required due to limited space.
In addition to registering, you must create an account on, which of- fers football fans the oppor- tunity to engage in family friendly debates and discus- sions with other fans and ac- tual NFL players.
The participants will take part in football skills and drills, position specific train-
ing, and NFL combine events. They will be split up into groups based upon their age. Although previous foot- ball experience is not re- quired, it is highly recommended.
There will be certified coaches and trainers on site facilitating the camp. Special guests will include current and former NFL players in addition to NFL scouts. The NFL players will be available for pictures and autographs following the camp.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to win two, free tickets to a Tampa Bay Buccaneers Game by regis- tering on Once registered, every post made on FanCom will count as an entry to win the tickets. is an online football community where NFL greats lead discussions and debates with true NFL fans in a moderated environ- ment free of profanity, trolling and bullying.
For more information or to sign up for the combine, visit

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