Page 31 - Florida Sentinel 6-24-22
P. 31
First Black Woman To
College Basketball Star Becomes First Black Woman To Earn Doctorate In Biochemistry At Florida International University
Practice Law In North
Carolina Finally Honored
Chantrall Frazier made her way through college as a star player on the women’s basketball team. But she’s leaving the school having made history in another area.
As part of Florida Interna- tional University’s 2022 grad- uating class, Frazier became the first Black woman at the university to earn her Ph.D. in biochemistry. Frazier brought her passion for bio- chemistry to the school after obtaining her bachelor’s de- gree at the HBCU–Savannah
State University.
Through her groundbreak-
ing research, Frazier re- ceived departmental funding and funding from the Dubai Police. The Florida Education McKnight Fellow and Florida AGEP Pathways Alliance (FL- AGEP) scholar’s work helped to pave a lane for collabora- tions with the FIU research community. She also created optimized protocols for exam- ining human odor profiles to understand the odors that at- tract mosquitos.
Ruth Whitehead Whaley, the first Black woman to earn her certification as an attorney, was honored this week with a special historical marker in her hometown of Goldsboro, North Carolina.
The beautiful plaque, which now stands on the corner of Ash and John streets near down- town Goldsboro, reads:
“Ruth Whaley. Pioneer fe- male African-American lawyer, first to be licensed in NC.” State officials erected the statue on May 25, hoping to educate com- munity members about Wha- ley’s inspirational story, according to
At 21, the Fordham Univer- sity graduate left North Carolina to study law in New York City, after Jim Crow laws prohibited her from practicing in her hometown.
With hard work and determi- nation, Whaley graduated top
of her class from Fordham’s law school. The icon opened up her own practice, which she main- tained until 1944, Fordham’s website noted. Additionally, Whaley served as the secretary of the New York City Board of estimates from 1951 to 1973.
Shooter Says He Did It 'For The Future Of The White Race'
Three Dead And 32 Hurt After Another Weekend Of Gun Violence In Chicago
Police officers on the crime in chicago during the holiday week- end.
Prosecutors last Thursday (June 16) presented evidence at the first federal court appear- ance of the accused white su- premacist charged with hate crimes for gunning down 10 Black people last month in Buf- falo.
“[Payton] Gendron's motive for the mass shooting was to prevent Black people from replacing white people and eliminating the white race, and to inspire others to commit sim- ilar attacks," CNN quotes the complaint. Gendron, 18, did not enter a plea.
FBI agents discovered a hand- written apology note written by
tice Department’s criminal com- plaint.
But the apology was to his family. It said he "had to commit this attack" because he cared "for the future of the White race."
At the court hearing, U. S. Magistrate Judge H. Kenneth Schroeder Jr. assigned a fed- eral public defender to Gen- dron after assessing his ability to afford a lawyer.
On June 15, federal prosecu- tors filed charges against Gen-
Gendron while searching the
alleged gunman’s bedroom in dron, which included 26
his parents’ Upstate New York home, according to the U. S. Jus-
hate-crime counts and a firearm offense. If convicted, he faces the death penalty.
Three people died and 32 others were hurt after a week- end of gun violence in Chicago. One of the victims that was hurt by the violence was a 17- year-old girl who was shot while hailing a ride.
This marked the second weekend in a row with more than 30 people shot in the midwest city, according to re- porting from local news sta- tion ABC 7 Chicago.
According to the news out- let, most of the people were shot in neighborhoods on the west and south sides of the city.
A total of 17 people were re- portedly shot on the south side so far, with another nine peo- ple shot on the west side.
There was also a person shot in River North and West Town areas of Chicago.
One of the younger victims was a 17-year-old girl.
The teen was shot while she was inside a rideshare vehicle. Someone in another vehicle shot at the car she was in and hit her in the shoulder, accord-
ing to ABC 7.
The news outlet said she
was in "good condition" and getting care at a hospital.