Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 11-3-15 Edition
P. 19
Teen Mogul Opens Spa Exclusively For Children, Tweens And Teens
Essynce Moore in her spa.
Student At HBCU Fatally Shot, Another Wounded
(Right) Jarrett Moore is the suspect in fatal shooting of Anthony White, Jr. (Left).
WINSTON SALEM, NC --- A student has been killed and another seriously wounded in a shooting at a university in North Carolina.
Anthony White, Jr., a 19-year-old sophomore, was shot dead on the campus of Winston-Salem State Univer- sity at around 1.30 a.m. on Sunday.
Jarrett Jerome Moore
has been named as the sus- pect and remains on the loose despite a three-hours lock down being lifted at 5 am. Moore was not a student at the school.
E. Coli Outbreak Has Shutdown 43 Chipotle Restaurants In 2 States
An outbreak of the food- borne illness E. coli has led Chipotle to voluntarily shut down 43 of its stores across two states.
At least 22 had been sick- ened as of Sunday morning in an outbreak health officials say could be linked to the ca- sual burrito chain.
Nineteen of the cases were reported in Washington State. The other three were in the Portland, Oregon area.
According to the Washing- ton State Department of Health, seven of the Washing- ton patients were hospital- ized. One patient in Oregon was hospitalized.
“Anyone who thinks they may have become ill from eat- ing at a Chipotle restaurant in the past three weeks should consult their healthcare provider,” Washington State Epidemiologist Dr. Scott Lindquist said. Infectious E. coli can cause bloody diar- rhea, abdominal cramps, fever, and vomiting. and in some instances, it can be fatal.
Florida Musician Killed By Officer Laid To Rest
COREY JONES’... is laid to rest
PASSIAC, NJ — Youth en- trepreneur Essynce Moore began her career at just 6 years old. Now, as a teenager, she is currently the owner of Essynce Couture, LLC, Essynce Cou- ture University (ECU), Es- synce Couture Publishing, and the center of growing channels of branding that includes ca- reers in motivational speak- ing, acting, writing, and fashion. Essynce is also the author of the recently released 6th Grade Middle School Chronicles. She has proven that she has the “magic touch” once again as she prepares for the exclusive November 1st grand opening of her newest business venture, Essynce Couture Spa & Boutique with
her 16 year-old cousin,
Kalani Gomez.
The spa will specialize in trendy services for both boys and girls that include, but aren’t limited to manicures, pedicures, hair styles, private birthday celebrations, and more. Also, it will host power- ful workshops that teach chil- dren about entrepreneurship, self-esteem, fashion, and real life experiences.
Essynce says she “works hard and plays even harder”, but says that “balance is nec- essary” when you are an honor student, actress and entrepre- neur. She loves to recharge at the spa, or have a mobile spa party experience with her clos- est friends.
WEST PALM BEACH, FL -- Hundreds of people gathered Saturday at Payne Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church in West Palm Beach, Fla., to say their final farewells to Corey Jones. He was laid to rest, with his drumsticks in- side his casket.
Palm Beach Gardens Police Officer Nouman Raja killed Jones in the predawn hours of Oct. 18. The plainclothes policeman approached Jones on the side of a highway, where Jones was waiting for a tow truck to pick up his bro- ken down car.
Raja, who was in an un- marked vehicle and, according
to officials, not wearing a badge, told investigators he shot Jones after a confronta- tion near Jones’ vehicle. Jones, 31, was armed. He had a concealed-carry permit and had legally bought his gun three days before the shooting. But prosecutors said Jones did not fire his weapon. And his family believes Raja never identified himself as a police officer.
Mourners at Saturday’s fu- neral shared their memories of Jones, who was an assistant manager for the Delray Beach Housing Authority and a drummer at his Boynton Beach church.
Black Twitter Claims Another Victim: Woman Loses Job After Tweet Went Viral
Black Man Arrested For Setting Churches Afire In St. Louis
Black Twitter has claimed another victim: A 20-year-old intern has been fired for post- ing a photo of herself and a friend in a cotton field with the caption, "Our inner [n-- ger] came out today."
Shortly after the tweet was posted, it went viral. The guilty party was a Gilbert, Ariz., woman named Erika Escalante. Several users learned that she was an intern
at a Chandler, Ariz.-based health-and-wellness company called Isagenix. They posted the information on Twitter, with several users asking the company directly if it ap- proved of such behavior. Within minutes, the company posted a tweet noting that it denounced Escalante's on- line behavior and that she was no longer with the com- pany.
Erika Escalante’s tweet.
ST. LOUIS, MO --- In St. Louis, authorities have charged David Lopez Jack- son with arson in connection with two of seven church fires in a predominantly African- American part of the St. Louis area.
Even though Jackson, 35, from St. Louis has been charged for the fires, federal investigators said there is no evidence of a hate crime.
The charges filed against Jackson on Friday in St. Louis Circuit Court were two counts of second-degree arson in the fires at Ebenezer Lutheran Church and New Life Missionary Baptist Church, both in the city.
St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said investiga- tions continue into the other fires — three in St. Louis, two in nearby Jennings — and Jackson is a suspect in all of them, according to an AP re- port at Mashable.
The fires were set between Oct. 8 and Oct. 22. Five of the congregations are predomi-
nantly Black, one is racially mixed and one is mostly white. The fires spurred a hate- crime investigation to deter- mine if the attacks were motivated by race or religion. But the Bureau of Alcohol, To- bacco, Firearms and Explo- sives downplayed that possibility in a statement on
Dotson gave no alternative
explanation for the attacks, saying investigators “are still trying to understand” the mo- tive.