Page 18 - Florida Sentinel 3-8-16 Edition
P. 18
Clinton Captures Critical Endorsement Of Florida Legislative Black Caucus
Dean of the Florida Black Caucus State Senator Arthenia Joyner reviews Hillary Clinton’s record of commitment to African Americans with colleagues on the steps of the Old Capitol.
Lifestyle/Business Coach Launches Webinar Series
80 African American elected officials and opinion
leaders pledge support.
TALLAHASSEE — Mem- bers of the Florida Conference of Black State Legislators stood on the steps of the Old Florida Capitol and pledged their sup- port to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The lawmakers, part of the largest caucus in the Florida legislature, brought the en- dorsement total to 80 African American elected officials and influential leaders from the na- tion’s key battleground state. Lawmakers said Mrs. Clinton has a long and consistent record of commitment to change for African Americans. They said she is a friend, that they trust to deliver on those promises.
“Hillary Clinton is the leader who will always stand and fight for communities of color across Florida – and we are standing with her,” said Caucus Chairman Rep Ed Narain of Tampa. “As presi- dent, she will end the school to prison pipeline, reform our bro- ken criminal justice system, ad- dress gun violence, and make college affordable so that every student can get an education.”
Senator Arthenia Joyner, also of Tampa, echoed Narian’s support. “Hillary Clinton has been a courageous fighter for civil rights and those without a voice her entire life. Her first job after law school was with the Children’s Defense Fund, where she worked to sep- arate young people incarcerated in adult jails,” Joyner said. “As president, she will stay that
course – protecting voting rights, fixing our broken crimi- nal justice system, and building on President Obama‘s progress.”
The endorsement strength- ens Clinton’s presence in Florida as Black voters continue to grow and impact election outcomes. Among eligible vot- ers, Hispanics and Blacks are on the rise increase while White voters are declining. According to Patrick Oakford, a senior policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, “It does clearly show that to win key states, like Florida, a candidate will need substantial support among voters of color. Voters of color are becoming a larger share of the electorate," making up 38 percent of eligible Florida voters in 2016, up from 35 per- cent in 2012.
Knife Found On
O. J. Simpson’s Property Was Not The Murder Weapon
The knife found
on land where
O. J. Simpson
once lived appears
to be inconsistent
with the 1994 mur-
ders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, multiple law enforcement sources say.
What many hoped to be the“murder weapon” in the heinous 1994 double-homicide ap- parently had only dirt and mud on it, according to tests.
The knife found by a construc- tion worker in 2001—at least seven years after the grisly crime—was given to retired LAPD Officer George Maycott while Maycott was working off-duty near the for- mer Simpson estate.
NBC News reported that the weapon is a small, inexpensive knife typically used by construction workers, gardeners or landscapers.
Maycott, 70, now retired from the police force, says he called po- lice and told them about the knife but was allegedly told that Simp- son could never be charged in the crime because of double jeopardy. Through his attorney, Maycott says that he held onto the knife in a bag in his garage for years and turned it over in January.
Many find it interesting that this evidence turned up this week, as the nine-part series, “The People vs. O. J. Simpson” is now on tele- vision, sparking renewed interest in the case.
Student Told He Must Cut Dreads To Stay In School
COPPELL, TX — Entrepreneur and lifestyle/ business coach, LaQuita Sharee Lewis-Poole, has announced the launch of a new webinar series that renews her focus on helping women and teens, especially those of color, to create a mindset that allows them to fulfill their dreams of a pas- sionate and meaningful life.
Her qualifications include 15 years of experience as an entre- preneur, coach, and writer as well as certification as a youth and family coach.
Mrs. Lewis-Poole has put to- gether a series of live webinars as “makeovers for the mind.” Partic- ipants will discover how to make significant changes in their busi- ness and personal lives.
Based on her well-received book, Exit Strategy: How To Go
From Where
You Are Now
To Where You
Desire To Be
In 90 Days,
the webinars
provide the
keys to un-
locking per-
sonal as well
as financial
success for LEWIS-POOLE entrepre-
neurs, small business owners, and anyone wanting more out of life. The series includes Mindset Makeover, Business Makeover, and Lifestyle Makeover. It is pro- vided through LSLP Global Em- powerment, LLC founded by Mrs. Lewis-Poole.
For more details, visit
Black Dating App Founder Turns Down $1.2M Buyout
VIRGINIA --- A seventh-grade student at a private school in cen- tral Virginia was told he must cut his dreadlocks if he wanted to re- main in school.
Isaiah Freeman, 13, was pulled out of West End Christian School in Hopewell, Va., by his fa- ther when officials threatened to discipline his son for the hairstyle saying he would receive a “refer- ral” every day he showed up to school with the locs.
The problem is that Isaiah has had his hair in the style since he began at the school in third grade. Yet, the school said the hair was too long even though his family pulled his hair above his ears.
Freeman is currently looking for another school for his son. He told the News he could not believe the school began enforcing the
rule three months into the term as well as several years after Isaiah entered the school.
West End Christian School principal Amy Griggs said they have asked the same of other male students and if they excused Isaiah, it could open the door to students challenging other poli- cies. She insists that it is about the length, and not the style of the hair.
CHARLOTTE, NC — It has been revealed today by Real- that the company has turned down a seven figure bid from a private equity firm to take over the company’s upstart dating app.
Heralded as the No.1 app for relationship-focused Black sin- gles, RealBlackLove has quickly gained interest of eager investors since becoming available on mo- bile devices nationwide. LLC, CEO and founder, Joseph Dixon, says, “Yes, I can confirm that I have formally turned down a seven figure offer to buy my com- pany. I did not start this venture with a payout in mind. I formed this company to help all of the hopeful romantics out there find
what they
deserve. I
refuse to
the mis-
sion of the
at this
time. This
is bigger
than me
and any
personal interest. This is about the people that work here and most importantly this is about our community.” Dixon adds, “RealBlackLove was nominated for Best Mobile Dating App at the iDate Awards 2016 in Miami this past January. I am really excited about the future of the app and our company.”
Joseph Dixon, founder of Black dating app and his girlfriend, Tracy. Offers Shopping And Advice Guide For Black Men
ATLANTA, GA — Responding to daunting odds stacked against men of color, is working to solve two problems in the Black community at once.
The online shopping and ad- vice guide promotes culturally rel- evant products and services designed with Black men in mind. A majority of products featured on the site are made and mar- keted by minority entrepreneurs, addressing another challenge – encouraging support of Black- owned businesses.
“ helps Black men and Black-owned busi- nesses succeed in one fell swoop,” said Howard Franklin, a grad- uate of Morehouse College who is responsible for editorial direction. “While sharing tips and products that help Black men look good, live well and achieve success, we connect minority entrepreneurs with their best customers: other minorities.”
Differentiating itself from other publications through con- tent focused on wellness, fashion, technology and uplift for men of
Howard Franklin is one of the founders of UrbanHang-
color, gives Black-owned businesses special recognition on its website, social media and email distribution.
The founders assert that Black men’s magazines, beset by chal- lenges in the publishing industry, have not evolved beyond the typi- cal fare of scantily clad women, urban music, sports and enter- tainment. As incomes for African- Americans have risen, and men become increasingly discerning shoppers, is poised to channel that ex- panded earning power toward culturally inclusive retailers.
For more information about the website, visit www.Urban-