Page 12 - Florida Sentinel 9-16-22
P. 12
Mom Fulfills Son’s Dream Of Giving Back Through Joshua’s Way Of Hope
This week’s Spotlight feature is the lovely Ameelahsky. Ameelahsky lights up every room she enters, and makes whoever is around her, a better person. Ameelahsky is very comfortable in front of the camera, and she puts 100% effort into every photo shoot. Congratulations to Ameelahsky for appearing as this week’s Spotlight feature.
BY MONIQUE STAMPS Sentinel Staff Writer
On Mother’s Day 2019, the Nichols family suffered a tremendous loss when their son, Joshua Nichols, lost his life in a tragic car accident.
His mother, Kayetrenia Nichols, says that she and her son often discussed Joshua’s desire to start a non-profit or- ganization.
“The purpose of the non- profit would have been to give back and help the kids in his community because the com- munity provided so much sup- port to him throughout his formative years.”
Nichols states that her son participated in numerous community programs growing up such as the Boys and Girls Club, the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation, and Phi Beta Sigma Tampa Alumni Chapter - Sigma Beta Club.
The Florida International University graduate was a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorpo- rated. Joshua graduated from FIU with two degrees in Information Technology and Finance. After graduation, he landed his dream job working for Microsoft Corporation, as a Premier Field Engineer.
Nichols states that Joshua was very grateful for the organizations that played a role in developing his charac-
... President of Joshua’s Way of Hope
In January 2022, Joshua’s dream for a non-profit came true when his mother picked up the mantle and started Joshua’s Way of Hope’s to be- come the extended support system he wanted to provide.
To date, the non-profit has hosted several events for youth. In addition to providing 16 college scholarships and providing college tours for col- lege-bound students, JWOH started several signature pro- grams, including the Life Skills 360 Institute, the Achiever’s program, and employment skills. The group also trains young people how to navigate life.
On October 19, 2022, the
organization will host “A Night Of Hope” gala. The fundraiser will support the 501(c)3 or- ganization expand their pro- gramming.
Nichols says that they need sponsorships to continue and expand its no-cost pro- grams to underserved commu- nities in the Tampa Bay area.
Readers can support by contacting Ms. Nichols by emailing her at info@ joshu- or calling 813-546-1806.
The Board of Joshua’s Way of Hope includes: Celeste Judge, Ayel Gibson, Selphenia Nichols, Jacqueline Reynolds, Byron Roquemore, Regina Smith, and Pathe- nia Gilbert.