Page 43 - Florida Sentinel 9-16-22
P. 43

Gunshot Victim Airlifted To Local Hospital
8700 block of Verde Lane
Human Trafficking Operation Nets 160 Arrests
          The Tampa Police Depart- ment is investigating a shoot- ing that took place Tuesday night. The shooting was re- ported to police around 9:30 p.m.
According to police, offi- cers responded to the 8700 block of Verde Lane in refer-
ence to a shooting. When of- ficers arrived, they located the gunshot victim. The unidenti- fied person was airlifted to Tampa General Hospital.
Police have released no additional information and the investigation is continu- ing.
Two trafficking victims, and another five possible victims, were identified. All prostitutes taken into cus- tody were offered services by the social services organiza- tions at the operation.
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said, “The on- line prostitution industry enables traffickers and al- lows for the continued vic- timization of those who are being trafficked. Our goal is to identify victims, offer them help, and arrest those who are fueling the exploita- tion of human beings (Johns) and those profiting from the exploitation of human beings. Prostitution is not a victimless crime – it results in exploitation, dis- ease, dysfunction, drug and alcohol addiction, violence, and broken families.”
Detectives seized co- caine, heroin, methamphet- amine, MDMA (Ecstasy), and marijuana, from those arrested during the opera- tion; the oldest person ar- rested is 64 years old, while the youngest is 19 years old.
Samy Claude, 26, of Orlando, was arrested for so- liciting a prostitute. When Claude arrived at the cho- sen location, he brought a bag of sour Skittles for the undercover detective. He is self-employed as a photogra- pher and is often contracted by Disney.
David Morton, 35, of Orlando was arrested for of- fering to engage in lewdness. An undercover detective replied to an online escort service advertisement posted by Morton. Mor- ton agreed to meet the un- dercover detective for sex. When Morton arrived at
the residence he was com- pletely naked below the waist. Morton told detec- tives he was only there for a visit.
Eriel Palmore, 30, of Orlando, was arrested for of- fering to engage in lewdness. An undercover detective replied to an online escort service advertisement posted by Palmore. Pal- more agreed to meet the undercover detective for sex. She was on probation at the time of her arrest for prosti- tution.
Shanice Blake, 25, and 29-year-old Kervens Felix, both from Orlando, were ar- rested for child abuse and drug charges.
An undercover detective responded to an online es- cort service advertisement posted by Blake and Felix. The two were offering to trade marijuana for sex.
When the couple arrived at the residence, Felix re- mained in the car with a 2- year-old child, while Blake entered the residence and attempted to sell one pound of marijuana to the under- cover detective for $1,900. The Florida Department of Children and Families was notified.
Blake was charged with: use of a 2-way device to commit a felony; negligent child abuse; possession of marijuana with intent to sell; and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Felix was charged with: use of a 2-way device to commit a felony; negligent child abuse; possession of marijuana with intent to sell; possession of marijuana over 20 grams; and posses- sion of drug paraphernalia.
More than 150 people were arrested by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office Vice Unit during a seven-day un- dercover human trafficking operation, “Fall Haul 2,” that began on Monday, Au- gust 29, 2022. PCSO was as- sisted in the effort by several other police departments and organizations.
Woman Charged For Beating Child With Electric Cord
   Man Accused Of
 Shooting Two
People Sitting In Car
A 40-year-old woman was arrested after she allegedly beat a child with an electric cord. The beating reportedly came about after the child re- fused to go to church.
According to the St. Pe- tersburg Police Department, Shaneeka Sanders was charged with child abuse last Thursday. She was trans- ported to the Pinellas County Jail and was later released on bond.
Sanders, 40, denied beating the child, who is re- lated to her. Police did not say how they are related. How- ever, police said the child had visible welts on the legs.
A 19-year-old man was ar- rested and charged with shooting two people. One of them died. The shooting took place around 1:50 a. m., Sun- day, in Bradenton.
Police said a 22-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman were sitting in a car at the Sunrise Inn. Kenneth Polk allegedly approached the vehicle. After a short con- versation involving the three people, Polk then allegedly shot one round through the open driver’s side window and shot the two people in the car, authorities say.
The single bullet reportedly went through the man’s neck and into the woman’s chest.
The 22-year-old then drove the woman and himself to Manatee Memorial Hospital where the 20-year-old died from her injuries at 4:44 a. m., deputies say. The man is still hospitalized, but is ex- pected to survive.
Detectives say the man and witnesses at the shooting
helped identify that Polk was the person who shot the gun.
The sheriff’s office says the two people in the car drove to Manatee County from the St. Petersburg area and had pre- arranged a meeting at the lo- cation, but a motive for the shooting remains unknown.
The 19-year-old man was arrested and is reportedly being charged with one count of second-degree murder and one count of attempted mur- der.
Deputies say the investi- gation remains ongoing.

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