Page 42 - Florida Sentinel 9-16-22
P. 42

  3 Arrested During Safer Summer Initiatives
Police Search For Early Morning Burglary Suspect
  Detectives are seeking in- formation on a burglary sus- pect. The suspect broke into a liquor store early Saturday.
Detectives with the Tampa Police Department said the burglary took place around 1 a. m., at the Quick Pick Liquor Store, 6815 N. Armenia Avenue. He is de-
Student Arrested For Having Gun On Campus
Last Wednesday, a student was arrested by the Tampa Po- lice Department for bringing gun on campus. The arrest took place at Franklin Middle School, 3915 E. 21st Avenue.
According to police, the School Resource Officer was informed by an anony- mous student that 13-year-old Dezmond Styles, was possi- bly in possession of a firearm and showing it to other stu- dents.
The officer and school staff located the student in the cafe- teria, and he was escorted to a room, adjacent to the cafete- ria. After searching Styles’ backpack, the officer located a loaded semi-automatic pistol, which Styles said he brought from his home for protection.
Styles was arrested for possession of a firearm on school property (felony) and minor in possession of a firearm. He was transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) without inci- dent.
No threats were made to the school or any students.
scribed as being a teenager to young adult. During the com- mission of the crime, he was wearing a black hooded jacket with a blue and white graphic on the back. He was also wearing a black tee shirt, black pants, gray gloves, and a white facemask.
Police are asking anyone
with information that could lead to the identity of the sus- pect to contact the Tampa Police Depart- ment by calling (813) 231- 6130, text tips to TIP411, or by downloading the TampaPD app, available free in the Apple & Google Play stores.
Three Teenagers Arrested In Rash Of Burglaries
Three people were arrested last week at this inn
after Tampa Police executed a search warrant at the business.
The Tampa Police Depart- ment has arrested three teenage suspects linked to burglaries in Tampa and Temple Terrace. The teenagers are two 14-year- olds and a 15-year-old.
Shortly after 11 p. m., on September 6, 2022, an auto burglary was reported at 8424 Mission Court. After canvassing the area, officers located two burglarized Hyundai vehicles. Both vehi- cles were unlocked.
Just before 3 a. m., on Wednesday, September 7, Tampa Police received a call of three subjects wearing gloves, hoodies, and masks trying to enter cars at the same location.
Officers quickly re- sponded, encountering three females who fled the area on foot. The teenagers were all apprehended on Riverhills Drive in Temple Terrace.
When Temple Terrace Po- lice arrived at the scene, they identified the three females as being the same
suspects caught on video bur- glarizing the Corpus Christi Catholic School, 9715 56th St. The suspects entered the school by breaking a win- dow with a brick. An iPad was stolen.
During interviews with of- ficers, all three suspects con- fessed to breaking into the school and the two auto burglaries in Tampa.
Nevaeh Watson, 14, Jesy Garcia Marquez, 15, and Teagan Miner, 14, were each arrested and charged with three counts of burglary of an unoccupied conveyance and loitering or prowling.
 Tampa Police continued to follow up on community concerns of criminal activity taking place in local hotels and motels.
As the Tampa Police De- partment’s Safer Summer Initiatives continue, officers obtained probable cause for search warrants for three rooms at the Haven Inn, 7007 N. Nebraska Avenue. Three people were arrested on last Tuesday.
The two-month investiga- tion concluded on the evening of September 6, with the arrest of three subjects and the recovery of two handguns - one of which was reported stolen. Narcotics found during the investiga- tion included cocaine, fen- tanyl, and synthetic cannabis.
Tampa Police Chief Mary O’Connor said, “This investigation is another ex- ample of the Tampa Police
Department’s unwavering commitment to making a safer community for every- one.
“Two more guns are out of the hands of those who should not have them, and il- legal narcotics have been taken off the street.”
Police arrested Adrian Young, 48, and charged him with 2 counts of sale of co- caine; possession of synthetic cannabis with intent to sell; and violation of probation.
Laporchue Hooks, 32, was arrested and charged with possession of fentanyl.
Dailin Ferrales, 35, was arrested and charged with obstruction (providing false name to law enforcement), and on a felony warrant for failure to appear on a posses- sion of a controlled sub- stance.
The investigation is con- tinuing.

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