Page 40 - Florida Sentinel 9-16-22
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A Celebration of Life serv- ice for Mr. Booker T. Tucker, Jr. will be held on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 10:00 a. m. at Wilson Funeral Home, 3000 N. 29th Street, Tampa, Florida with Dr. Alvin B. Jack- son, Jr. senior pastor of The Church of the Kingdom of God, Officiating. Funeral service will be live streamed via Wilson Fu- neral Home YouTube channel. Interment will follow in Rest Haven Memorial Park Ceme- tery, 4615 E. Hanna Avenue, Tampa, Florida.
Booker T. Tucker, Jr., affec- tionately known as “Bug”, was born on September 16, 1960 in Lake Wales, Florida, to the late Booker Tucker, Sr. and Mother Mildred “Dear” Tucker. He was born and raised in Babson Park, and moved to Tampa at the age of 12. He had fond memories at- tending church with his mother and father. He also had fond memories of his school days playing football and basketball with his friends. He was very ath- letic, and he ran track and jumped hurdles and also played football in Franklin Middle School and Brandon High School. He was very mechani- cally inclined and learned auto mechanics from his Daddy and his brother “Sonny”. This led him to pursue obtaining his CDL license to become a truck driver. He loved his job, and he was a dedicated employee, who gave his all to the work he did, and was an inspiration to other fam- ily members and friends to be- come truck drivers. He always loved cooking for his family and friends, and if you ask anyone, he made the best barbecued ribs and brisket, collard greens and pigs feet.
He was preceded in death by; his parents; his brother, Walter affectionately known as “Sonny”;
and Cindy’s two daughters, Michelle and Brenda.
He leaves behind his loving wife Cindy, who loved him dearly; his two children; Booker III “Ish” and Labrisha; and he and Cindy’s son, Maurice; grand- children; Mekhi, Z’Kariyah, Ariel, Booker IV, Blake, Alisha and Aaliyah (who held a very special place in her “Pap-Pap’s heart); his sister Peggy; his brother, Jimmie and his wife, and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and other sorrowing rel- atives and friends.
Booker was an honest and faithful man, and believed in Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. The Lord saw fit to reach his hand down from Heaven to take him home without pain or suffering, and the faithful will one day see him again.
There will be a viewing on Friday, September 16, 2022 at Wilson Funeral Home, 3000 N. 29th Street, Tampa, Florida from 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. Due to the cur- rent CDC restrictions; we are asking that you use the visitation as an opportunity to pay your final respect. For your conven- ience and safety, we have ex- tended our visitation hours.
“A Wilson Service”
A Celebration of Life and Me- morial Service for Mr. Dexter G. (DJ Disco Dexx) Cusseaux of Tampa, FL, will be held on Satur- day, September 17, 2022, at 11 a. m., at New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Tampa, 2511 E. Columbus Drive, Tampa, FL 33605.
Mr. Dexter G. (DJ Disco Dexx) Cusseaux was born on October 17, 1956 in Tampa, FL, to the late Mr. Wright Cusseaux, Sr. and Mrs. Lillian Cusseaux, who were both long-time residents of Lincoln Gardens. Dexter was educated in the public schools of Hillsbor- ough County, Tampa, FL, and graduated from Jefferson High School, class of 1974. He worked at Jim Walters Computer Serv- ices, a division of Walter Indus- tries, and St. Joseph’s Hospital.
He also worked as a disc jockey in the Tampa Bay area for many years. He acquired his known name, “D. J. Disco Dexx” for his passionate love of music while spinning the vinyl sounds of music in many clubs and some- times working alongside WTMP’S
the late disc jockey, Jerry Walker. DJ Disco Dexx brought the disco and soulful sounds to many Tampa Bay area night clubs such as, the original Fox Hole, in the 70’s, 80’s as well as into the 90’s before passing his skills on to his stepson, DJ Shizm of 95.7, who credits him as his mentor.
Dexter was preceded in death by: three brothers, Mr. Wright “Cherry” Cusseaux, Jr., Mr. Al- bert “Papa” Roberts, and Dwight R. Cusseaux, Sr.
Mr. Cusseaux leaves to cher- ish his memories: his loving and devoted son, Dietrich Cusseaux, Sr. and wife, Crystal; his grand- children, Dietrich Cusseaux, Jr., Hannah Cusseaux, Jocelyn Cusseaux, Arianna Cusseaux, and Isiah Cusseaux; extended family of children who loved and ac- knowledged him as a loving dad includes: Jearold Hill, Gregory Hill, Kevin Ramos, Coneathia Walker, Darrin White, Lawrence Harrell and Rashad Herring; sib- lings, Ms. Carolyn Baker, Mt. Morris, MI, Mr. Dan Cusseaux, Sr. (Ferdonia), Rev. Allen Cusseaux, Sr. (Sherryl), Mrs. Veronica “Bonnie” Cusseaux Dixon (Jerry), Mrs. Joy S. Hen- dricks-DeParkinson (Marlon), Ms. Zsa Zsa Cusseaux and Ms. Sheila “Gigi” Cusseaux, all of Tampa; Ms. Monica Tartabull of Flint, MI, and Mrs. Robyn Townsend (Garrett) of Al- pharetta, GA; sister-in-law, Saun- dra Cusseaux; aunt, Evangelist Frances Boykins; and uncles, J. J. and Harry Harris (Deborah), Eu- stis, FL; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, associates, and friends.
Family and friends are asked to meet at New Mt. Zion Mission- ary Baptist Church of Tampa on Saturday morning for the service at 10:45 a. m. MASKS ARE REC- OMMENDED.
Gudes Funeral Home “A Temple of Service”
            Mother, Daughter Arrested For Setting Body On Fire
 The Pinellas County Sher- iff’s Office has arrested a mother and daughter in con- nection with a body being set afire. The body of Heather Olmstead was discovered after firemen responded to a fire in an alley on August 18th.
Both women, identified as 64-year-old Julie Curran and 30-year-old Cree Wor- ley, were both charged with abuse of a dead body.
According to police, Cur- ran set the woman’s body on fire using a flammable sub- stance. When firemen re- sponded to a fire in the alley behind Emerson Avenue, South and 29th Street, they discovered Olmstead’s
burned body.
Police arrested Worley
on September 6th and her mother on September 8th. Neither of the women have
been charged with murder. Policedidnotsayhowthe women were connected to the murder. The investigation is

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