Page 41 - Florida Sentinel 9-16-22
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Tampa Police are cur- rently searching for a man wanted in connection with a murder. The murder took place on August 24th, around 11:53 p. m.
According to police, offi- cers responded to the Shell Gas Station, 2924 N. 50th St., in reference to a shooting. The victim was later identi- fied as 26-year-old Freder- ick Bell.
Using investigative meas- ures, detectives have identified 24-year-old Der- ick P. Bowden as the sus- pect in the murder.
Detectives said, just be- fore midnight officers re- sponded to a ShotSpotter detection in the 2900 block of N. 50th St.
Officers located Bell lay- ing on the ground in the parking lot of the Shell Gas Station, with several gunshot wounds.
Detectives immediately began developing leads in the case.
The investigation has led to Bowden being identified as the suspect in the homicide and a warrant
  Police Search For Man Wanted For Murder
Man Charged With Fatal Accident Involving Pedestrian
for first degree murder and felon in possession of a firearm has been issued for his arrest.
Bowden and the victim were known to each other, and this was not a random act. In addition, a criminal history check revealed Bow- den has ten prior felony con- victions.
Reward Offered
Tampa Police urge any- one who may have informa- tion that could lead to the apprehension and arrest of Derick Bowden to contact Crimestoppers of Tampa Bay.
Crime Stoppers of Tampa
Bay is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information that leads to the location and arrest of Derick Prentis Bowden, Jr.
Anyone with any informa- tion regarding his where- abouts and who wants to be eligible for a cash re- ward is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 873-TIPS (8477) or **TIPS on their mobile phone, report anonymously online at or send a mobile tip using the free Florida Crime Stoppers mobile application. Crime Stoppers must be con- tacted first in order to be eli- gible for a cash reward.
Police have arrested a 25- year-old man and charged him with vehicular homicide. The fatal accident took place February 8, 2022.
According to police, Ke- shawn Minor was driving a BMW 535i approximately 80 miles an hour when he struck 57-year-old Joseph Bunch as he attempted to cross the street.
Police said Minor left the scene after striking Bunch, but came back. The accident
JOSEPH BUNCH (Photo taken from Facebook)
took place on E. Hillsborough Avenue and Himes. Bunch died as a result of his injuries.
A witness told police that the BMW Minor was driving appeared to be racing with two other cars when the acci- dent took place.
Minor was arrested last Thursday, and charged with vehicular homicide. He was on felony probation at the time of his arrest. He is being held at the Hillsborough County Jail without bond.
    Detectives Arrested Tampa Man For 2 Counts Of Video Voyeurism
 It might not be easy, 4, 12, 29, 37, 44, 60, but it’ll be worth it, 8, 15, 23, 34, 47, 51.
  Detectives began an in- vestigation on June 30, 2022, after two separate victims re- ported that they noticed a cellular phone being held under the stall door in the bathroom at St. Peters- burg/Clearwater Interna- tional Airport.
Both victims, one of which was an 11-year-old child, saw their image on the screen of the phone, presum- ably via the device’s front fac- ing camera.
Throughout the course of the investigation, detectives discovered 46-year-old Michel Fernandez Fuentes entered a men’s bathroom in the airport and utilized the stall next to both victims.
Detectives also discovered that both victims were not
known to each other and were boarding separate flights. Fuentes was em- ployed by SSP America, a food and beverage company, working inside the airport.
Detectives interviewed Fuentes, who admitted to using his phone while sitting on the toilet, but denied ac-
cessing the phone’s camera or using it to record people in the bathroom.
Detectives obtained a search warrant for Fuentes’ cellular phone. Over 160 pho- tographs were found which captured other unknown subjects’ legs while using the toilet in adjacent stalls. De- tectives also discovered that the camera and photo gallery were ac- cessed multiple times during the times while both victims were in the bathroom with the suspect.
Detectives arrested Fuentes and charged him with two counts of video voyeurism. He was trans- ported to the Pinellas County Jail.
The investigation contin- ues.

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