Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 5-22-18
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The Temple Terrace Library was the site of the Lena Horne Forever Stamp Dedication Ceremony during Women’s History Month on March 20th. Ms. Donna Cason, Retired Hillsborough County Public Schools Administrator, and a member of Gamma Theta Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., was the Mistress of Ceremony. Ms. Tee Solomon was the chairper- son of the committee that planned the event.
Also on the program were: Bishop E. Dion Blaine, Faith Temple Church of God; Mayor Dr. Mel Jurado, City of Temple Terrace; Ms. Deborah Barnes, President, Gamma Theta Omega Chapter; Mr. Richard Fermon, Postmaster of Tampa, United States Postal Service; Mrs. India Witte, Hillsborough County Commission on the Status of Women, Chairman; Ms. Yvette Lewis, Hillsborough County Branch NAACP President; Ms. Teressa Fraser, Library Division Director, Temple Terrace; Donna Douglas,
Lena Horne Forever Stamp Dedication Celebration
     Dr. Paulette C. Walker, 25th National President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and Deborah Barnes, President, Gamma Theta Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. who attended the stamp ded- ication: Gloria Harmon, Dr. Paulette C. Walker and Gloria Williams. Stand- ing, Constance Bowers-Cross, Rhonda Flowers, Joyce Russell, Janice Carter-Collier, Janette Spencer-Davis, Veronica Blakely and Audrey Sullivan- Moore.
A display of the various Lena Horne Forever Stamps available for pur- chase.
South Atlantic Region, Cluster 2 Coor- dinator of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Tim Dose, Manager, Customer Service Operations, Tampa United States Postal Service, who did the dedi- cation and tribute; Dr. Paulette C. Walker, 25th President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., reflections; and final remarks from the Stamp Dedica- tion Committee Chairman, Tee Solomon. (Photos by Julia Jack- son)
Event chairperson Tee Solomon and Tim Dose unveil the Forever Stamp of Lena Horne.
Committee members of the event: seated, Elaine Bryant, Deborah Barnes, President, Gamma Theta Omega Chapter; Tee Solomon, Chairper- son; Tangela Dupree and Verlyn Crompton. Standing, Alveta Maultsby, Donna Douglas, Iva Carter, Demoris Rhodes, Donna Cason, Yvonne Long, Phyllis Tolliver, Keisha Dickerson, Jackie Haygood, and Dorine Brown Nor- man.

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