Page 20 - Florida Sentinel 5-22-18
P. 20

  Howard Alum Gets Two Advanced Degrees On Same Day From Different Colleges
  Another School Shooting Leaves 10 Dead
 SANTA FE, Texas – The suspected shooter arrested after a rampage at Santa Fe High School Friday morning is 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office con- firmed.
A second person of inter- est was also detained, offi- cials said.
After the shooting rela- tives and friends are mourn- ing the loss of ten people — eight students and two teach- ers.
The mother of one of the students killed said her daughter had rejected the ad- vances Pagourtzis, for four months prior to the attack.
She said 16-year-old
Dimitrios Pagourtzis is in custody. Student says he was bullied and laughed at at school.
  Shana Fisher was among the first to be killed in the shooting.
Mother Sadie Ro- driguez told the Los Ange- les Times in private messages
that her daughter had embar- rassed the 17-year-old sus- pect in class by finally standing up to him, after put- ting up with his “aggressive” advances for months.
 Darrell Landon Kelly
CINCINNATI, OH — Dar- rell Landon Kelly, a 24- year old from Cincinnati, Ohio graduated with two advanced degrees last weekend —- one Master’s degree and another law degree — on the same day but from two different col- leges.
Kelly received an MBA from Xavier University’s Williams College of Business, as well as a law degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Law.
His mother, Lisa Kelly, is very proud of what her son has accomplished and how she supported him and his older sister, Jazmone, who is also excelling in medical school.
Since grade school and high school, Kelly has been ex- celling both in academics and sports such as football, basket- ball, soccer, among others. He graduated from Walnut Hills High School at 16 and went on to the Mecca, Howard Univer- sity, in 2014.
  Former Playboy Model Jumps To Her Death Holding Son, 7
 MANHATTAN ——A 47- year-old former model in- volved in a custody dispute plunged to her death from a Manhattan hotel Friday, ac- cording to three law enforce- ment sources.
New York police found the bodies of Stephanie Adams and her 7-year-old son, Vin- cent, on a second-floor bal- cony of the Gotham Hotel, where the two were guests, po- lice said.
The bodies were discovered about 8:15 a.m. Friday after a 911 call about an unconscious woman and child at the 25- story boutique hotel.
Police believe Adams’
death was a suicide, the law en- forcement sources said.
Adams, a New Jersey na- tive, appeared in a Playboy
centerfold as “Miss November” in 1992 and again in 2003. Adams wrote more than 25 self-help books, owned an on- line skincare company, God- dessy Organics, and managed the finances at her husband’s chiropractic office.
William Beslow, the at- torney representing the child's father, Charles Nicolai, told CNN his client believed his es- tranged wife was going to re- move the boy from the country.
He said a court this week or- dered the mother to turn over Vincent's passport to a lawyer appointed to represent him.
    George Zimmerman Given Public Defender; Claims He Is Broke And Unemployed
 SEMINOLE COUNTY, FL — George Zimmerman claims he is $2.5 million in debt, broke, unemployed, and in need of a lawyer for his latest legal case.
According to The Blast, Zim- merman filed paperwork re- questing a public defender to represent him against accusa- tions that he harassed a private investigator hired by the pro- duction company of an upcom- ing Trayvon Martin documentary produced by Jay Z.
Zimmerman is accused of repeatedly threatening and ha- rassing Dennis Warren be- tween December 16 and December 25 of last year, the sheriff's office said. Deputies said Zimmerman called Warren 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted him 67 times and sent 27 emails over a nine- day span, WKMG reports.
Zimmerman’s request for a public defender was granted, the site reports.
In 2013, Zimmerman was found innocent of second- degree murder after shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin a year ear- lier.
Since being acquitted, Zimmerman has had several run-ins with the law, some of
George Zimmerman
which were gun-related inci- dents, that have included as- sault and domestic violence charges.
In addition, Zimmerman has tried to cash in on the Martin shooting. Not long after the story became national news, Zimmerman received tens of thousands of dollars in public donations to help pay his bills. He also attempted to make money by participating in a celebrity boxing match that was later canceled, and report- edly auctioned off the gun used to kill Martin.
Zimmerman currently stands accused of “willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly” following, harassing, or cyber stalking, Dennis Albert Warren in December of 2017. He is scheduled to attend an ar- raignment on May 30.
    Possible Police Cover Up Sent Innocent Man To Prison -- Case Now In Front Of Supreme Court
 OHIO —- A powerful multi- part limited documentary se- ries, Proving Innocence: Kevin Keith vs. The State of Ohio, ex- amines alarming new evidence in a 24-year-old capital murder case where a possible police cover up framed an innocent black man.
Proving Innocence spot- lights the 1994 trial and con- viction of Kevin Keith, a Black man found guilty of mur- der in Bucyrus, Ohio. The ver- dict, and death penalty recommendation by the jury, came despite what his defense team claims to be a complete lack of physical evidence and having at least four witnesses who attest to Keith’s where- abouts as being more than 30 minutes away from the crime scene at the time.
Since that day in court, Keith’s brother, Charles, has dedicated his entire life to proving Keith’s innocence. He’s spent years educating himself on the judicial system and uncovering the truths be- hind what really happened.
In 2010, only thirteen days
before his impending execu- tion, new evidence found by Charles Keith and Public De- fender Rachel Troutman, presented to then-Governor Ted Strickland convinced him to grant clemency, taking Keith off death row and re- ducing his sentence to life in prison. Since then, Charles has learned that there is even more shocking evidence that he believes will get his brother’s murder conviction overturned.
The U.S. Supreme Court Justices are currently review- ing Keith’s initial trial, as well as the new evidence put forth by his defense team. They are expected to make a decision as to whether or not Keith will be granted a re-trial on May 29, 2018.

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