Page 24 - Florida Sentinel 8-19-22
P. 24

Next time you have an ache or pain, forget about a costly trip to the drugstore and test- drive some of your grand- mother’s remedies instead. It’ll save money and be gentler on your body and the environ- ment.
Try these natural remedies for pain:
1. Bleeding
You’d think it would burn, but a sprinkle of cayenne pep- per on a cut will quickly stop the bleeding and actually re- lieve the pain.
2. Toothache
There’s nothing as bad as the shooting pain of a toothache. You don’t want to
ignore a tooth problem, be- cause an infection that close to your brain can be extremely dangerous if it spreads. But in order to reduce swelling and pain while you wait for a den- tist appointment, try putting a few drops of clove oil on your tooth and gums, and bite down on a smashed piece of garlic (which has excellent antibac- terial properties).
3. Athlete’s Foot
When it comes to foot fun- gus, it not only stinks, but that dry, cracked skin can hurt. Air out those feet, then soak them in salty water, wash them with garlic juice, or soak them with diluted white or apple cider vinegar. All of these things will help kill the fungus.
But you have to be persist- ent, consistent, and diligent: No matter what treatment you use,doitafewtimesadayand stick with it until at least a week after you think the symp- toms are gone! Fungus excels at hiding out and coming back when you least expect it.
4. Ear Infections
Ear infections can become quite serious and cause perma-
nent damage, so please see a doctor if your earache has be- come severe.
But if you feel like your in- fection is mild and at the be- ginning stages, put a few drops of garlic oil or white vinegar into your ear canal and lay down on the opposite side to let those drops do their work. Garlic and vinegar create an environment that won’t sup- port the bacteria causing the infection. Repeat a few times a day until...the symptoms dis- appear. (If your symptoms last longer than a few days, you should definitely see a doctor!)
5. Flatulence
Some foods, like beans and raw veggies, are more likely to cause gas, but if you find flat- ulence to be too common of an occurrence, try taking a diges- tive enzyme with your meals. You can find these at any health food store
In the meantime, make use of digestive spices such as ginger, anise, peppermint, co-
riander, and dill. You can make tea with these ingredi- ents or incorporate them into your food.
6. Sore Throat
Sore, scratchy throats are usually a sign of a cold or flu coming on, so you don’t want to ignore this symptom, but you can relieve the pain by gargling with warm salt water a few times a day and then drinking a soothing honey- lemon tea.
7. Burns
So you bumped up against the stove again? Ouch. Rinse first with cold water, but then immediately apply aloe vera gel to the burn. For those of us who don’t have aloe in the house, slice a potato and rub its cool, soothing juices all over the burn. Honey, with its antibacterial properties, is also a good topical ointment. If you can catch the burn im- mediately, mustard is also re- portedly a great salve.

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