Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 11-11-16 Online Edition
P. 10

Organization Plans 30th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Event
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Tuesday, November 15th, members of Hillsborough County will gather for the 30th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Family, Community, & Chil- dren’s Day. This year, the event will take place at the Plant City M. L. K. Recreation Center. It will begin at 3 p.m.
Pastor Moses Brown,
founder of Feed Our Children
Ministries, said anyone wish- ing to participate must register on line at www.feedourchil- by Friday, Novem- ber 11th.
Those in attendance will enjoy a hot, traditional Thanksgiving Dinner, there will be activities, giveaways, and bicycles for children. Pas- tor Brown said any senior 65 years and older who would like a meal, but cannot attend, can send someone to pick it
PASTOR MOSES BROWN ... Founder of Feed Our Children Ministries
up. However, they still must register online by the dead- line.
The organization is also partnering with the Hillsbor- ough County School District to provide meals for approxi- mately 1,000 immigrants who reside in the county.
“This is God’s providential direction for sustaining us for 30 years to be servants to those in need,” Pastor Brown said.
This year, the message will be in light of the political cli- mate. “We must educate and encourage everyone. In order to survive, our teenagers and young men must be courteous, respectful, and follow instruc- tions if stopped by the police.
“We will encourage single moms to pursue their educa- tion and get a trade. We are empowering to become pro- ductive, independent citi- zens,” he said.
Lord, Cleanse Me And Make My Heart Right Before You
Lord, I come humbly before You and ask You to cleanse my heart and renew a right spirit within me. Forgive me for thoughts I have had, words I have spoken, and things that I have done that are not glorify- ing to You or are in direct con- tradiction to Your commands. Specifically, I confess to You (name any thoughts, words, or action that you know are not pleasing to God). I confess it as sin and I repent of it. I choose to walk away from this pattern of thought or action and live Your way. I know that You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness (Joel 2;13). Forgive me for ever taking that for granted.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all un- righteousness. 1 JOHN 1:9

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