Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 11-11-16 Online Edition
P. 11
Community Choir To Celebrate 25th Year
Hillsborough Community Mass Choir when it was formed in 1984.
Members of the 2016 choir are: Lisa Washington, Willie Lee Gardner, Alma Chapman, Rodrick Greene, Rhonda Nelson, Joyce Jackson, Min. Conslee Ray, Deborah Davney, Min. Derrick Levy, Barbara Mann, Cynthia Gibson, Geral- dine Williams, Frankie Nelson, Carolyn Burton-Young, Alfonso Thorton, Patricia Cannon, Carla Fuller, Pam Beckwith, Carolyn Hillary, Brenda Young, Marva Jackson, Tina Smith, Carolyn Washington, Drucinda Parker, Richard Thomas, Charles Ware and Lucinda Sweet.
Musicians for the choir are: Taylor Solomon, keyboardist; Charles Watts, percussion and Jeffery Young, bass. Robert Rice is founder and director.
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Although it’s been more than 25 years, on Sunday, No- vember 20, 2016, at 3:30 p. m., the Hillsborough Community Mass Choir (HCMC) will ob- serve its 25th consecutive an- niversary. The anniversary event will be held at New Progress M. B. Church, 3307 E. Shadowlawn Ave. (Tampa, 33610).
The guest minister for the service will be Pastor (Dr.) D.
S. L. Madden, Jr. or Resur- rection Ministries, Atlantic City, NewJersey.Alsoexpectedtoap- pear on the program are: Ebou
Howard and the Tampa Chap- ter of the Gospel Music Work- shop of America, Inc.
Dr. Madden, Jr. says his walk with Christ began in 1981. He was ordained in 1991. He be- came a pastor in 1996, and his congregation grew from 100 to 600 members in 6 years.
In 2002, Dr. Madden birthed Resurrection Ministries, which is comprised of 3 entities: church, outreach and education. Through his affiliation with Pro- gressive Holistic Ministries, Pastor Madden has held sev- eral positions. In addition to being a Shepherd, he is a vision- ary, musician, playwright and son of the Kingdom of God.
According to Robert Rice, who formed the choir in 1984, the choir has been together for 25 consecutive years. The choir served the Lord throughout the community for 5 consecutive years before “the choir experi- enced some attacks from the ad- versary, which resulted in the dismantling of the ministry for a total of 2 years,” Rice explained.
During the 5 years, another ministry was birthed – “Robert and Friends,” an offspring group from the original choir.
Getting back on track in 1991, the Hillsborough Commu- nity Mass Choir held its first concert in August, 1991 at
Northside M. B. Church, the (late) Rev. Jacob Jordan was the pastor.
The musical group has per- formed throughout the Tampa Bay area and surrounding areas. For several years, the choir took their ministry to the streets, feeding the homeless during the Thanksgiving holidays. They also visited several nursing homes.
As Rice would say, “it took more than just the choir to ac- complish all of these things.” Some of those who have been spiritual advisors and support- ers include: Rev. Larry White, Rev. Roland Oliver, Rev. Gibson, Rev. Cobb,
Rev. Wallace Bowers, Rev. Gregory Robinson, many of whom opened their church doors for rehearsals and various programs.
Musicians who have assisted them and contributed along the way include: Tommy Jordan, Anthony “Butch” Pryor, Ben Gordon, Johnnie Watts, Robert Wright, Dorthenia Jackson, Arthur “Bo-Bo” Godwin, Pricedia Harris and Tasha Harris.
As the choir moves forward, they are blessed to have birthed Hillsborough Community Youth Mass Choir, and the choir was able to become incorporated in 2009.