Page 21 - 3-20-15 Friday's Edition
P. 21
Surprise Birthday Party
Parents Say, ‘We Need To Act To Save Our Children’
For Johnnie Arline
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
As of February 5th of this year, it was 10 years ago Darla Saunders lost her son, Isa- iah “Iceman” Brooks to gun violence.
The person or persons re- sponsible for Iceman’s death have never been arrested, and since that time Mrs. Saun- ders and her husband, El- liott, have created an organization to not just bring attention to her son’s unsolved murder, but the murders of others.
Advocates for Safer Communities was started as a group that would support the efforts of law enforcement offi- cials in solving unsolved homi- cides.
“What frightens me is how that list has grown over the past 10 years,” said Mrs. Saunders.
“Just this year alone, we’ve had more murders involving young Black males than all of last year. It’s scary, because there doesn’t seem to be an end to it.”
Mrs. Saunders hopes that parents will get tired of seeing their children being buried, and will join their group in finding a way to stop this senseless violence.
“This no snitching thing needs to stop, because all it does is protect the people who are doing the killing. I can’t imagine any of us wanting peo- ple around us capable of killing any member of our family at any time.
Mrs. Yvonne Arline hosted a surprise birthday party for her husband, Johnnie Arline at the Holiday Inn Airport. (Photos by Lomax McIntyre)
Mrs. Yvonne Arline sur- prised her husband, Johnnie with a party to celebrate his birthday.
Celebrating with birthday honoree, Johnnie Arline were: Clax- ton Perry, Novella Campbell, Alethia Perry, Tafreesa Taylor and Nicole Villegas.
Birthday honoree, Johnnie Arline, is shown with Selphenia Shields, Joseph Arline and Me’Shay Holiday.
Thaddeus beth Barber with Arline.
“The only way to put a stop to this violence is for us to unite and decide that this is not the direction we want to go. We’ve got to protect our chil- dren who are only guilty of try- ing to hang out and enjoy themselves. That’s virtually im- possible with the drive-by shootings and other acts.”
Mrs. Saunders hopes that community alliances can be formed to pull people to- gether and make them under- stand that it’s urgent that these criminals be removed from our community and put in prison where they belong.
“Everyone wants a safe community to raise their chil- dren in. The way things are going, there may not be such a place anymore.
“Parents are afraid to allow their children to enjoy being outdoors because of the vio- lence, and parents themselves have become targets.”
Mrs. Saunders said it’s time to put away your personal fears and act to save the chil- dren who’ve done nothing to anyone, but whose lives are in danger because of a few people who think nothing of shooting someone to settle a dispute.
was at the birthday party for Johnnie Arline.
Among the guests who attended the
party were: Yoami Ferrell Walls, Pamela Burton, Maxine Barnett-Nes-
bit, Mary Jordan, Martha Guinyard oree. and Jerrie Strudwick.
Alliene Robinson and Michael Latson congrat- ulated the birthday hon-
and celebrated
Joe Butler was at the sur- prise birthday party.
Catherine and Debra Larry were among the guests.