Page 22 - 3-20-15 Friday's Edition
P. 22

March Health Awareness News By Jeremy Harris
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Month: The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) recognizes MS during the month of March to raise awareness through- out communities to help improve families and individuals with the most accurate treatments, preventative measure, and other medical up- date.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in the central nervous system affecting the flow of information to the brain and body. The im- mune system attacks myelin and nerve fibers disabling nerve signals to communicate to other parts of the body. This type of damage is irreversible and can have a long term effects on activities of daily living.
There is not a cure for MS however; treat- ment can help reduce signs and symptoms that are affecting ones nervous system. For more information please visit
Monthly Observances
Music in Our School Month - The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) cel- ebrates this awareness every March to engage educators, students, and communities throughout the country. They provide re- sources for schools and teachers to highlight the importance of school music and the imple- mentation of music education programs.
National Caffeine Awareness Month - This observance presents a concern for the amount of caffeine one intakes. Ways to prevent an abundance of caffeine is to substitute coffee with water, tea, or even a morning jog.
Daily Observances
St. Patrick’s Day - This day celebrates the arrival of Christianity to Ireland as well as the heritage and culture of the Irish.
Norbert Rillieux Day - On this day African American inventor and engineer was born. Rillieux was known for the creation of the multiple-effect evaporator.
National Myeloma Awareness Month: Multiple myeloma is a cancer formed in the white blood cells. Cancer cell undergoes a malignant transformation, then starts to ac- cumulate inside of the bone marrow reducing the number of antibodies for the body.
A hard outer shell surrounding the bone marrow called the cortex weakens the bones. Essentially, the immune system, kidneys, and nervous system becomes dysfunctional which produces more sickness.
Myeloma Awareness Month is used to bring support and knowledge about the sec- ond most common blood cancer in the world.
For more information about multiple myeloma please visit
Monthly Observances
Sing with Your Child Month - This obser- vance was created to bring families together through music. Making music enhances your child’s creativity, self- expression, confidence, social skills, cognitive, and physical develop- ment.
National Peanut Month-On this month, America honors one of the healthiest con- sumed products grown. George Washing- ton Carver is known for inventing over 300 uses for the peanut.
Daily Observances
Great American Meat Out Day - Today raises awareness of the benefits of eating vegan for a day.
International Day of Happiness - Today is a day to recognize your connections with other people.
Kiss Your Fiancée Day - If you are a woman engaged to be married, your fiancé must be aware of this grateful day to express his love and commitment to his soon-to-be wife.
International Astrology Day - Astrologers recognize today as the beginning of the as- trologers year. It is also celebrated depending on the day the Northward equinox occurs.

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