Page 48 - 3-20-15 Friday's Edition
P. 48

Creflo Dollar Shuts Down Campaign For $65 Million
After a bruising weekend handling ferocious backlash over his campaign to acquire a $65 million Gulfstream G650 airplane with planned donations of $300 or more from 200,000 people, contro- versial televangelist and founder of World Changers Church International, Creflo Dollar has completely aban- doned the idea and will only consider acquiring one in the future if it’s “properly priced.”
“There is no campaign right now,” said Juda Engel- mayer of 5W Public Rela- tions, who represents Creflo Dollar Ministries, in an inter- view with The Christian Post. The website hosting the cam- paign page was deactivated last week and an option to do- nate to the G650 campaign through the Creflo Dollar Ministries website was re- moved.
Dollar, who has an inter- national ministry, was bank- ing on raising enough money to buy the luxury jet to replace one owned by his ministry that was significantly dam- aged in an accident last No- vember.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board,
tively. He was unable, how- ever, to say how much cargo they transported on an annual basis.
“They load the plane up with what it can handle,” he said.
Although not saying it in
so many words, he acknowl- edged that the G650 cam- paign was a bad idea and they are now trying to move on.
“There is no campaign. It’s a moot point. The ministry will now focus on spreading the Gospel,” he said.
Jet; Will Now Focus On 'Spreading The Gospel'
Dollar’s “Gulfstream Aero- space G-1159A airplane, N103CD, had a nose landing gear collapse during a runway excursion at the London Big- gin Hill Airport (EGKB), near London, United Kingdom,” on Nov. 24, 2014, and “the airplane sustained substantial airframe damage.”
Since then, Dollar and his staff have been travelling “commercial,” an option crit- ics believe he should have simply continued to exercise instead of asking the public for money to purchase the luxury jet. It appears Dollar has somewhat taken that sug- gestion to heart.
“He’s gonna continue trav- eling commercial. And if and when he obtains another jet it’s gonna be used for ministry purposes, just like the current
... the Gulfstream G650
one,” said Engelmayer. When asked if acquiring a jet is still something on the televangelist’s radar, Engel- mayer said: “If one comes along that is properly priced and is sufficient and workable perhaps, but right now there is nothing that they are look-
ing at.”
Asked what the ministry
considered a “properly priced” jet, he replied, “I don’t know.”
Engelmayer further ex- plained that the now broken ministry plane has flown some 4 million miles in 16 years. Most of the trips made in the airplane were national flights. When it was used for international trips, he said, they transported hundreds of thousands of pounds of food and other supplies cumula-
Florida Woman Wanted For Seducing And Robbing Men
FLORIDA - This week, po- lice identified a woman ac- cused of robbing a man of his Rolex and Gucci shoes in Bal Harbour, Florida.
According to local police, on Sep. 13, 2014, at about 2:13 a.m., the suspect went home with a man she met at the Fountainbleu Hotel in Miami Beach. After she left the man’s residence, he noticed that his Rolex watch, Gucci shoes and $2,000 in cash were missing.
Surveillance video from the building showed a woman walking into an elevator wear- ing his shoes, and the victim was able to identify her in a photo line-up as Alexandria Martinez-Davis.
Records show Martinez- Davis was arrested in Miami Beach for a similar incident. In
November of last year, she stole two Rolex watches (val- ued together at $38,000) from another man after returning to his home from the nightclub LIV.
Authorities said their biggest challenge will be get- ting other victims to come for- ward, as many of them are believed to be in relationships, and/or prominent members of the community.

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