Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 5-13-16 Online Edition
P. 19

Humble Faith (Luke 18:9-14)
Humility was not prized in the ancient world. It was viewed as weakness. Jesus Christ changed the way that the world looked at humility. Following the incarnation, humility became a virtue. That does not mean the mod- ern world does not struggle with arrogance. Pride is an equal opportunity destroyer.
In our text today the sub- ject is humility, the context is prayer, and the characters in the story are poles apart. Jesus was still en route to Jerusalem to accomplish our redemption. Parables seem to be his main teaching method in this section of Luke’s Gospel. Depending on what constitutes a parable, there are 18 parables in the travel
narrative (Luke 9:51– 19:28). The parable that pre- cedes our text is about persistence in prayer (18:1- 8). Jesus ended that parable by asking a question: When the Son of Man comes; will he find that kind of faith?
The Contrast | Luke 18:9-13
Some of Jesus’ parables have no formal introduction (Luke 13:6-9). Context be- comes the only clue about how the parable connects to his teaching. That is not true here. This parable is clearly spoken to address pride and moral smugness: To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone
else. The word righteousness is the same word as the participle justi- fied in verse 14. It means conforming one’s life to a standard. God’s standard had been declared in the law.
The Jewish forefathers loved contrasts. Just read the book of Proverbs.
The historical background behind the characters shows reversal. The Pharisees were much respected in Jesus’ day. They were laymen Bible stu- dents, anti-Rome, popular with the people, and sepa- ratists for the sake of their ho- liness.
The tax collectors were just below a snake in the eyes of the people. They sold their souls to Rome, and their tes- timony was not accepted in court.
The temple was a place of sacrifice, a place of worship, but the accent here was on it being a place of prayer.
The physical posture of the men shows reversal. The Pharisee stood. While stand- ing was not a poor posture for prayer in and of itself, cou- pled with the Pharisee’s con-
tent it went to seed in pride. The tax collector stood as well, but he stood at a distance. This phrase trans- lates one Greek word, and Luke uses it often (Luke 15:13, 20; 17:12; see also Ephesians 2:13). He also didn’t feel worthy enough to look heavenward, and pro- ceeded to beat his breast (a sign of contriteness). More is said of the tax collector’s pos- ture than of the Pharisee’s posture.
The content of their prayers shows the most rever- sal. The Pharisee’s prayer is quite long winded. The tax collector’s prayer is brief (only six words in Greek). The Pharisee outlined for God who he was not like and what he did (in case in his omnis- cience God has not been pay- ing attention). The Pharisee was not a robber and not an evildoer (literally “unjust”) and not an adulterer—the types of people who hung out with tax collectors (Luke 15:1). On the positive side he fasted twice a week, which was tons more than required (Leviticus 16:29), and he
tithed everything, maybe even down to small garden seeds (Matthew 23:23, 24). In contrast, the tax collector just cried out for God’s mercy. The contrast could not be sharper.
The Tag Line |
Luke 18:14
Some of Jesus’ parables have no formal conclusion. They break off into ellipsis or stop abruptly (Luke 15:11- 32) so that the listener has to supply the ending. That is not true here. In case we missed it, Jesus supplied the conclu- sion and the moral of the story.
The bad man was good, and the good man was bad.
Everyone must have gasped when Jesus said that the tax collector went home justified before God. The dis- ciples did not see that one coming. But in Jesus’ upside- down kingdom, those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be ex- alted.
A humble faith is refresh- ing. It is just not very much in demand these days.

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