Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 8-11-17
P. 15
Saunders Library To Celebrate Its 2nd Anniversary
BY IRIS B. HOLTON SentinelCityEditor
Two years ago, Wednes- day, August 12, 2015, resi- dents of Hillsborough County gathered for the Grand Opening of the newly con- structed Robert W. Saunders, Sr., Library. It was con- structed at 1505 N. Nebraska Avenue, the site of the former Ybor City Library.
Next week, the commu- nity will celebrate the li- brary’s second anniversary, beginning on Monday, Au- gust 14th, at 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The library will host a Writing Workshop with Tampa author, Mrs. Casey Curry.
The Writing Workshop Series is designed to provide guidance for aspiring and working authors to explore their chosen field. The facili- tator is a writing professional and peer coach.
The Workshop also offers hands-on reading, review, re- vision of works in progress and pre-submission manu- scripts.
Mrs. Curry has pub- lished as a poet, nonfiction, and fiction author for both children and teenagers. Her first release, entitled “I Re- member You Today,” is an interactive grief book de- signed to assist a child through the first year of grief.
Mrs. Curry introduced her first novel, entitled “Promises,” in 2014. It ad- dresses the issues of love, loss and renewal.
An educator, Mrs. Curry, the wife of a Naval officer and mother of four, hosts creative writing work- shops for novice authors of all ages.
On Tuesday, August 15th, at 6 p.m., members of the community with enjoy Au- thor Talk with Mrs. Josephine Brodie Hub- bard, author of “The Anatomy of a Prayer Warrior: Pray Like the Prophets.”
Mrs. Hubbard is a first- time author. Her introduc- tion as an author is entitled, “The Anatomy of a Prayer Warrior: Pray Like the Prophets.” The
book and workbook will pro- vide a guide to help propel new and experienced Prayer Warriors into a higher di- mension of prayer.
Mrs. Hubbard gradu- ated from Florida A & M Uni- versity with a B. S. Degree in Secondary Education. She continued her education at the University of South Florida, where she earned her M. S. Degree in Guidance Counseling.
She retired as the Director at the MacDill Air Force Base Family Support Center. She also founded Hubbard Fam- ily Ministries, Inc. in 2000 and The Prayer Line of Deb- orah in 2006.
A Tampa native, Mrs. Hubbard is a licensed Min- ister. She is married to Rev. Ron Hubbard and the mother of 2 adult children. The couple is also proud of their five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
The celebration will cul- minate on Monday, August 21st, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., with several anniversary events. The celebration will include the history of the man behind the name and the programs and services of- fered at the library.
About Robert Saunders
The library is named in honor of the late Robert W. (Bob) Saunders, Sr., a Tampa native, Civil Rights activist, and author. He at- tended Bethune-Cookman College. After a stint in the military, he completed his B. A. Degree at Detroit Institute of Technology, and later en- tered the University of De- troit Law School.
Mr. Saunders post- poned his education in 1952 t0 become the first Florida Field Director of the NAACP. He accepted the position after Harry T. Moore, the first Field Director, and his wife, Harriett, were fatally wounded when their home was bombed on December 25, 1951.
During his tenure, Mr. Saunders led the organiza- tion through the desegrega-
ROBERT W. (BOB) SAUNDERS, SR. June 9, 1921 --- March 18, 2003
tion period that included the integration of restaurants, beaches, schools, and other public facilities.
Mr. Saunders returned to Tampa in 1976, and be- came the Director of the Of- fice of Equal Opportunity for Hillsborough County. He re- tired in 1988. Mr. Saun- ders died on March 18, 2003, several days after being injured in a car acci- dent.
History of the Library
On November 5, 2003, the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners voted to rename the library the Robert W. Saunders, Sr., Library in his honor.
The original library opened in 1933, as the Ybor City Branch Library. Its home was a storefront do- nated by the local Italian American Club. A new build- ing opened in January 1969, as part of the Model Cities Maryland Avenue Urban Re- newal Project.
After several years of fundraising, that included the efforts of the Ada T. Payne Friends of the Urban Libraries, Hillsborough County Commissioners ap- proved funding for the con- struction of a new building in February 2012.
The demolition of the building took place in De- cember 2013, and a ground- breaking ceremony for the new structure took place in March 2014.