Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 9-19-17
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Movie Screening Premier Will Highlight 25th Anniversary Of Local Agency
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The Family Enrichment Center (FEC) will celebrate its 25th Anniversary Sept. 23rd
The Family Enrichment Center (FEC) of Tampa Bay will celebrate its 25th anniversary next weekend. One of the highlights of the weekend will be the movie screening premier of “The Turnaround,” with former Tampan, Robyn Jones and Tampa resident and HCC official, Lorenzo Carswell as Executive Di- rectors.
The Family Enrichment Center is a not-for- profit, faith-based social services agency pro- viding community-based, family centered social services since 1992. The agency has in- vested in the lives of children by providing fos- ter car, adoption and kinship care. It is the only minority-owned agency in the southeast.
The movie screening celebrating the an- niversary will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2017, 4 p. m.-7 p. m., at Hillsborough Com- munity College, Dale Mabry Campus, Student Services Auditorium. The Red Carpet event will feature the movie screening, and the VIP reception will provide an opportunity to meet several cast members and producers, many from the Tampa community.
The movie emphasizes the importance of family in having support and guidance as a growing teenager faces temptations, obstacles and challenges.
At the BronzeLens Film Festival in Atlanta, GA
In the movie, the main character Mar- quise is on a journey to find himself while try- ing to figure out his path in life. However, his cousin D-Rock doesn’t make it any better for
him, he peer pressures Mar- quise into helping him hus- tle out in the streets.
The film has gained con- siderable recognition in the International Christian Film Festival and the 2017 Bronze- Lens Film Festival recently, where it was nominated for the “Best Feature” award.
“We did not win, but it was still an honor to be a part of such a beautiful experience,” Ms. Jones said.
Citizens Concerned About Large Trees In Community
Hopeton Virgo and Ralston Barrett worried that large trees would fall on homes.
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The recent weather events brought on by Hurricane Irma has resulted in downed trees all over the county. And, it brings to mind the need for changes in local government, two concerned citizens said.
Hopeton Virgo, a local businessman and Ralston Barrett are concerned about large trees that residents must have permits to cut. Virgo said that during the recent storm, he left his home because he feared the large trees would come crashing down on his home.
“The trees are about 6 to 8 feet from my home. But, the city won’t allow you to cut them down without a permit. The permit costs and it also costs money to have tree trimmers come in and cut the trees down. Most homeown- ers cannot afford that added expense.”
Ralston Barrett said, Some of the trees are rotten, but you still need a permit to cut them down. If the trees are on the city property, they
will trim them, but they will only cut them down if they fall.”
The men said they know that trees are important, but they are not as valuable as a human life.
Virgo said, “My house is well built and secure, but I left because I feared that tree would fall on my roof.”
Barrett said, “removing the trees should not be a monetary issue. Code En- forcement should come out and inspect the trees. If they are in danger of falling or rot- ten, homeowners should be allowed to remove them with- out a permit. Florida is fre- quently the place for storms, especially during hurricane season.”
Virgo said, the city should use its discretion to determine if the trees are dead. Many people don’t have insurance, so if the tree falls on their homes, they really have a problem.”
Currently, the City of Tampa requires residents to obtain a permit to remove certain types of trees from private property.
Jackson Heights Neighborhood Association Meeting
The Jackson Heights Neigh- borhood Association and Crime Watch will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 19th at 6:30 P. M. at the Jackson Heights NFL YET Center, 3310 E. Lake Avenue.
The guest speaker will be Suzanne Peikin, Moffitt Cancer Center Senior Commu- nity Outreach Provider. Her presentation is entitled "Healthy Lifestyles, How to Reduce Your Risk for Cancer."
The public is invited, please RSVP at 813-675-7532 or
A healthy dinner will be served.