Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 8-31-18
P. 2
Voters Respond To Historic Gubernatorial Win
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The Primary Election on Tuesday held some surprises for Florida voters. One of the biggest upsets was that Mayor Andrew Gillum, of Tallahassee, edged out Senator Gwen Graham for the Democratic guberna- torial candidate spot.
Some voters shared their opinions about the historic election.
Mrs. Chloe Coney said, “Last night
that hard
going out
among the
people and
listening to
the people prevail against the money of the candidates. That describes Mayor An- drew Gillum and his cam- paign strategy. He gives HOPE to so many people that an ordinary person can run and win, you don’t have to be a millionaire! He never lost the human touch! Go Andrew Gillum!”
Ed Narain said, “Mayor
tional and
win was a
surprise to
the politi-
cal establishment, but the work cannot stop here. The power of the Black vote has never been more important to the upcoming November elections.
“Donald Trump’s
hand-chosen nominee awaits him on the other
side. We must come to- gether, raise money, and work hard to ensure we get him elected if we want things in our state to change for the better.”
Joe Robinson said, “Candidate
pulled off a
upset,’ like
he did Hillary Clinton. Let’s all get behind candi- date Gillum and let’s make history electing a well-quali- fied African American (Black Man) to be the Governor of Florida. As they say “Let’s Roll!”
Dr. Samuel Wright
said, “I was
because I
know that
people, fail
to support
our own candidates in situa- tions like this gubernatorial race. After meeting Andrew and receiving a text from my cousin in Orlando, Dr. Lavon Bracy, who worked diligently with his campaign, I decided to support his can- didacy.
“I encouraged those in my village to get behind him. Having served in pub- lic office, myself, I know the difficulty of making an his- toric win. Thus, I prayed that Andrew would have favor with the electorate and a vic- tory in 2018!”
Pete Edwards said, “By virtue of his winning the final steps of Florida ascend-
ing to number 1 as the most racially di- vided state in the country will pres-
ent itself. DeSantis will un- cover all the closeted bigots from the Republicans and Democrats who supported him (DeSantis). The racist code words from DeSantis to Andrew will cause long- term damage in trying to portray Florida as racially progressive or even toler- ant.”
Ms. Robin
bernatorial race was the most intriguing and exciting. Intriguing because it was David vs. Goliath. An- drew fighting against the people that did not believe they deserved the most qual- ified person to represent them and who also not only speaks to their issues, but experiences their issues.
“Fighting against the old establishment, who wants things to stay the same and knocking those walls down to create a better life that the underserved can enjoy.”
Rev. Willie Dixon said, “I am thankful the voters of Florida allowed God's will to come into fruition! As preachers would say," faith without works is fruitless." Therefore, we proved money doesn't vote - people do. The
system is
no match
for people
who pray
for a posi-
tive change
for all peo-
ple. We
know when the right person governs a state the people re- joice! We are in a spiritual battle!”
Mrs. Bonnye Crews said, “As
Day ar-
rived, polls
Gillum in
third place.
Yet, we were hopeful. And today, Andrew Gillum has etched a place in history by becoming Florida’s first African American Demo- cratic nominee for governor. I sure wish my mom was here to witness this. Let's help Mayor Gillum make history again, by electing him Governor in Novem- ber.”
Danny Green said “I was very surprised Andrew Gillum did so well in the state of Florida. We really need to get behind him and sup- port him. He has a tough road ahead. Congratulations
to all candidates who won.”
Rev. Karen Jackson Sims said, “While some were surprised by Andrew Gillum’s victory, I was not among them. I truly believe that “nothing is impossible
for God.”
ran a race
across lines
of race, income, age, and campaigned for us to come together because we are bet- ter than what we’re hearing and seeing from Washing- ton, D.C. Faith, hope and love always wins.”
Ms. Sherna Blair Rich
said, “Last week, it gave me such heart- felt joy to cast my his- toric vote for the only
candidate who believes what I believe and who speaks on issues that concern me and my family as native Floridi- ans. There is a political cir- cus unfolding day after day after day in every American city that threatens to under- mine American democracy and her principle beliefs.
“Even the late Senator John McCain called it for what it is. Rest In Peace, Sir. So, was I surprised after the announcement of Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum's historic primary win? Maybe, just a little.
“Nevertheless, my hope kept alive did indeed reign supreme. In the words of Florida's next Governor- Elect Andrew Gillum, "I actually believe that Florida and its rich diversity are going to be looking for a gov- ernor who's going to bring us together, not divide us..." I believer that too, Sir.”
President of the Hills- borough County Democratic Black Cau- cus said, “The Gu-