Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 4-1-22
P. 10
Businesswoman Wants To Be Considered For City Council Seat
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The Council has 30 days to fill the vacancy.
A Tampa native has sub- mitted her application to be considered for the vacancy on the Tampa City Council.
The Council is expected to name a replacement for John Dingfelder in early April. Dingfelder was forced to resign the Council last month to avoid a lawsuit after he reportedly mishan- dled a records request from a business consultant, Steve Michelini.
Allison A. Hewitt,
President/CEO of Allison A. Hewitt and Associates, a 501c3 Creation and Develop- ment company, made the de- cision to submit an application after much con- sideration. “I don’t make this decision lightly and it is with great respect for our City and this Council. I want to make a difference for the citizens of District 3 (At-Large) and be a part in helping our great city reach its full potential.”
Being a very busy person, Ms. Hewitt knows that the work on the City Council is not easy. “Nor is it meant to be a place where everyone
raises their hand and agrees with the crowd. It is a place for intense and passionate discussion and debate; and ultimately, if done correctly,
the results are actionable and meaningful direction.”
Ms. Hewitt has done a lot of hard work. Her resume’ points out the number of boards she has served on and the government positions she has held, from Special Assistant to former Gover- nor Jeb Bush, to Executive Director, Central Economic Development Center, Inc. Hewitt currently serves on the board of Advantage Cap- ital Partners (a national ven- ture capital firm.)
She received a great deal of experience from these po- sitions as Government Con- sultants to State of Florida positions.
Ms. Hewitt further stated in her submission let- ter:
“I come from the heart of this city and my heart is with this city. As a product of Dis-
trict 3, I want to serve be- cause I want to give back to the city that my family has called home for three gener- ations and work to make Dis- trict 3 and Tampa the best great place to raise a family, grow a business and attract visitors.
“I believe that my experi- ence, skills and background support my being considered for the City Council appoint- ment and would enable me to hit the ground running with an understanding of the issues and of governing and government.
“We are stronger together and if I am fortunate to be selected, I’ll serve with honor, integrity and a heart for all those I represent.”
Ms. Hewitt received a degree in Political Science from Florida A&M Univer- sity.