Page 24 - 7-1-15 Friday's Edition
P. 24
Men Really Benefit From Watermelon
Summer Superfruits
Watermelons Restore Your Pep - They are 98% water, so it’s a quick antidote to dehy- dration – the top cause of sum- mertime tiredness and irritability. Plus, it’s packed with mood-lifting B Vitamins, relax- ing potassium, energizing Vita- min C, as well as revitalizing amino acids and electrolytes, which turn down stress, while revving your get-up-and-go.
Also, watermelon raises your level of blood-vessel relaxing ni- tric acid, which enhances your li- bido.
Cantaloupe Wards Off Wrinkles -
They are
packed with
copper, zinc
and Vitamin
E. It’s also a
great source of
lycopene, which cuts sun damage – the chief cause of wrinkles. Just one cup has a day’s worth of Vitamin A, which speeds skin cell turnover for a smoother com- plexion.
Also, cantaloupe is loaded with calming compounds to ease anxiety.
Blueberries Make You Slimmer -
It’s that time
of the year
when clothes
are skimpier
and eating
will help. The pigments that give them their dark color help to ac- tivate genes that burn belly fat, regulate fat storage and tame ap- petites.
Also, blueberries fortify vein and capillary walls, helping pre- vent spider and varicose veins.
Cherries Ease Aches And Pains - They
are full of
matories that
help to reduce
swelling, and
they are rich in
Vitamin C which helps to pre- serve joint tissue. Just two cups a day helps relieve osteoarthritis symptoms better than aspirins and decreases inflammation- triggering uric acid.
Also, cherries contain mela- tonin, the same compound re- leased by your brain to trigger deep sleep.
Peaches Sharpen Your Eyesight -
They protect
your eyes be-
cause they’re
loaded with
lutein, zeax-
anthin and
beta carotene, which shields your retinas from UV rays and help to reduce your risk of cataracts and mascular degeneration.
Also, peaches inhibit aggres- sive breast cancer cells.
Strawberries Baby Your Brain - They
are full of
that protect
your brain
from mem-
toxins, thus lowering your risk of dementia. They help stave off age-related cognitive decline.
Also, strawberries’ folic acid and Vitamin C help boost your mood.
Fireworks Safety For The 4th Of July
Men hoping for some fire- works in their love life this Fourth of July may want to skip the burgers and beer at the bar- becue and eat plenty of water- melon instead.
It turns out, watermelon may be a natural Viagra. The popular summer fruit is rich in an amino acid called citrulline,
which relaxes and dilates blood vessels much like Viagra and other drugs meant to treat erec- tile dysfunction (ED).
How much watermelon should you eat? A typical 4- ounce serving of watermelon (about 10 watermelon balls) has about 150 milligrams of cit- rulline.
The Fourth of July is just around the corner. You know what that means, right? Fire- works will be heard and seen from miles away pretty much everywhere. Although stunning to look at, the harsh reality is that fireworks can be danger- ous, deadly even.
Fireworks-related injuries can happen to anyone. Although we don’t want to take away any of the fun that comes along with that, it’s also important to re- member and follow these safety tips whenever using fireworks:
• Always use fireworks out- doors, never indoors.
• Wear safety glasses while igniting fireworks.
• Never allow your children or anyone else’s children to play with or ignite fireworks, even those seemingly-harmless sparklers.
• Make sure you have a bucket of water or a water hose nearby.
• Take the time read through the directions that come along with the fireworks before ignit- ing them.
• Fireworks should always be ignited one at a time.
• Move back right away the second the fireworks are ig- nited.
• 15-20 minutes after the fire- works are done burning, soak them in a bucket of water for a few hours or overnight before tossing them in the trash to pre- vent any fires.
• Never purchase illegal / homemade fireworks.