Page 25 - 7-1-15 Friday's Edition
P. 25
Water Safety Information
Cucumber Juice For Puffy Eyes And Dark Circles
Cucumber are full of Vitamin K which helps to shrink capillar- ies and reduce the appearance of under eye circles. The coolness of the cucumbers also helps to restore the skin back to its natu- ral hydrated and youthful state. Try these frozen cucumber eye pads to have quick relief ready at any time!
What you need: 1 cucum- ber and cotton pads
Directions: Blend cucum- ber (keep skin) at high speed until liquified. Add small amount of water to thin, if nec- essary.
Soak cotton pads in the fresh cucumber juice.
Gently squeeze out excess juice by pressing the pads be- tween your palms. You want to eliminate any dripping excess, while maintaining as much sat- uration as possible
Place pads flat and separated in a plastic sandwich bags (you can fit about 6 in each bag).
Freeze to cool and preserve freshness.
When your eyes need a pick- me-up, remove 2 of the cucum- ber pads and thaw slightly before placing over your eyes for 10 minutes.
It’s magical puffy eye relief!
Prevent Middle-Aged Weight Gain
Mid-life hormonal changes can add extra inches to your waistline. Here are a few little changes that can make a big different to your waistline.
Coconut Oil – the fatty acids in coconut oil will rev up your metabolism.
Cumin – The seasoning cumin contains an active inflammation-reducing compound that will help zap fat around your waistline.
Yogurt – The calcium in yogurt helps your body burn belly fat.
Salads – eating rainbow salads loaded
with Vitamin C that include: strawberries, cit-
rus fruit and red peppers helps to reduce your cortisol levels. The less cortisol you have, the less belly fat your body makes and stores.
Fight Bone Problem As You Age
Living in Florida makes it’s imperative to know about water safety.
Knowing the symptoms and preventionary measures to take in case of emergencies is the key.
First and foremost, get you and your child swimming les- sons as soon as possible and take heed to the following in- formation... just in case!
There are two types of drowning that can happen long after leaving the water: secondary and dry. Adults are at risk, too, but children are more susceptible.
With secondary (delayed) drowning, water gets into the lungs, usually as they are avoiding an actual drowning episode. Think of a child who falls or jumps into a pool or bathtub with their mouth open and while struggling in- hales the water. The child goes on to play and everything seems fine, but the water in the lungs can cause swelling and prevents oxygen from get- ting in the bloodstream.
Dry drowning is similar, ex- cept that water doesn’t enter the lungs. Instead, delayed drowning happens when the airway suddenly closes (to prevent the water from getting to the lungs), known as laryn- gospasm. But, not only does this stop water from getting
through but air also. The child can die from of asphyxiation.
Symptoms can present themselves as late or 24 hours after leaving the water. Dr. Daniel Rauch, says that many warning signs are overlooked or misinterpreted because parents don’t know what to look for.
Because it is a lung process, difficulty breathing is the first sign that you would be worried about.
Other symptoms include: Chest pain, Fatigue, Coughing and Irritability.
If you notice any of these signs after your child has been around any form of water, get them to a doctor.
Some things to keep in mind to help prevent dry or any type of drowning are:
• Always keep an eye on children when they are around or in water.
• Be on the lookout for rough water play, like dunk- ing.
• When as public pools and beaches, make sure there is trained supervision on guard.
• Teach your child to swim at an early age.
• Try to keep smaller chil- dren away from the older young adults.
Oftentimes, as we age, our bones get a little weaker. Here are a few things that to help you cut your risk of osteoporosis.
Chicken Drumsticks Prevent Breaks
Dark meat chicken is an ex- cellent source of Vitamin K-2, a nutrient that cuts your risk of bone breaks by 60%. How? By building reserves of osteocalcin – a mesh-like supportive frame- work that gives your bones the ability to resist fractures.
P. S. Other sources of Vita- min K-2 are in cheese, egg yolks and ground beef.
Red And Purple Grapes Spur New Growth
A cup of sweet grapes daily can stimulate new bone-forma- tion within 12 weeks. The skins of dark grapes contain resvera- trol, a nutrient that increases your production of bone-build- ing enzymes.
Sweet Corn Stops Bone Thinning
Sweet corn is packed with a B vitamin-like nutrient called in- ositol hexaphosphate or IP6, which reduces your production of osteoclasts, troublesome cells
that break down bone tissue. P. S. Get similar benefits by eating beans, brown rice or
Green Beans Help Build Bone Tissue
Green beans are rich in sili- con, a mineral that kick-starts the formation of healthy new bone tissue – even more than calcium. Just 2 cups weekly does the trick.
Root Veggies Fill Brittle Patches
Eating a steady diet of stron- tium – which comes from root veggies like carrots and turnips – helps prevent bone thinning. Strontium pinch-hits for cal- cium, filling porous patches in your bones so they stay strong, even if you skimp on calcium.
Healing Herb
If you break a bone, taking a daily 1,000 – 1,600 mg. dose of cissus quadrangularis can cut your recovery time.
This herb is extracted from a plant in the grape family. It also can help reduce swelling and tenderness in the affected area.
P. S. Check with your doctor before starting a new supple- ment.