Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 10-9-20
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   The Sentinel Editorial Board’s Recommendations For November 2020 Election
 Part 3
Your VOTE is your voice on issues affecting housing, education, employ- ment and healthcare.
If you want to make a difference in your household and your community you must vote.
The offices in the November elec- tion control budgets, control policy, and decide whether you get fair jus- tice or NOT. They make decisions in the U. S. government, Tallahassee and Hillsborough County.
The November election is crucial, so please vote.
Early Voting is October 19- November 1st. Vote By Mail bal- lots were mailed September 24; and Election Day is November 3rd.
Incumbent Sheriff, Chad Chro- nister has made it his business to make a difference since elected in 2018. Because this is one of the most important races the Sentinel board members had numerous conversa- tions with various people in the com- munity. The majority of the people polled felt the Sheriff’s leadership and willingness to tackle the depths of ‘community and crime’ from numer- ous angles was worth their support.
While we understand there is no perfect agency, especially with the fires burning between Black people and law enforcement, our Board members have had a series of conver- sations with the Sheriff, and know that some of the initiatives imple- mented, came about after he listened to what we had to say. His 28 years with the Hillsborough County Sher- iff’s Office, and moving through the ranks, gives him all perspectives of his job. Since being elected, the Sher- iff has a diversity hiring rate of 60%, along with the most diverse com- mand staff in county history. The goal was to make the sheriff’s office reflect the community it serves.
The sheriff has worked closely with the State Attorney to create and expand the juvenile and adult diver- sion programs to keep low level of- fenders out of the criminal justice system. He has also created new vo- cational, addiction and mental health programs in detention to give offend- ers a real chance of success after in- carceration. He has increased school safety with deputies or a sheriff’s of- fice trained security officer in every public school. He also instituted deputy worn body cameras to in-
crease trust through transparency and accountability. His office has also conducted multiple gun buyback pro- grams that has taken over 4,000 un- wanted guns off our streets. He also mandated advanced mental health training to enhance crisis interven- tion by providing deescalating tech- niques and mental health services for those suffering from a mental health crisis.
Sheriff Chronister’s 2 oppo- nents are retired TPD Major Ron McMullen, running as an Inde- pendent and Gary Pruitt, also re- tired TPD officer, who is the Democratic nominee. Pruitt ran against Chronister in 2018. There are many concerns about Chronis- ter’s opponents, namely the 2 oppo- nents worked for over 20 years as members of the Tampa Police De- partment; and the fact that both would have to go into an agency they are unfamiliar with. Also, Mc- Mullen’s presence in the race will take away votes from Pruitt who lost by nearly 50,000 votes when he ran against Chronister the last time.
The Sentinel Editorial Board endorses Sheriff Chad Chronis- ter
Property Appraiser
Coach Bob Henriquez has been a friend of our community for many, many years and has served the county well in the capacity of Prop- erty Appraiser.
The Sentinel Editorial Board endorses Bob ‘Coach’ Hen- riquez
Tax Collector
Nancy Millan received the Sen- tinel Board’s endorsement during the primary and election and has re- ceived the endorsement again against her Republican opponent. To sup- port our decision the first time, we
asked some key Black people who work with Millan in the Tax Collec- tor’s office, and we received only pos- itive feedback about her. Millan worked her way up the ladder in the office, so she knows what she is doing. She is well-liked, and has been key in her position under Doug Belden, a staunch Republican, with the elevation and hiring of Blacks and also was instrumental in distributing monies to Black businesses in Hills- borough County.
Millan is also qualified to to hit the ground running and will not need on-the job training.
The Sentinel Editorial Board endorses Nancy Millan.
Board of County Commissioners District 1
County Commissioner Sandy Murman has term-limited out in District 1 and former City Council- man and mayoral candidate Harry Cohen is running against a Republi- can opponent after winning the pri- mary for the Democratic nod. Atty. Cohen is a person that the Sentinel Editorial Board has supported in the past, and we support him again.
He is knowledgeable about City and County government and could add another Democrat to the Board, if elected.
The Sentinel Editorial Board endorses Harry Cohen
Board of County Commissioners District 3
County Commission chair Les Miller has term-limited out and the crowded primary race for the demo- cratic slot on the general election bal- lot was won by Gwen Myers. District 3 has had a Black repre- sentative in this seat since 1985, (35 years) and here we are in 2020 facing a possible setback if Mrs. Myers’ Republican oppo-
nent wins. Mrs. Myers is run- ning on the platform of what she calls the county’s urgent issues...trans- portation, affordable housing and healthcare. She was the only candi- date for the District 3 race who qual- ified by petition - “It’s About The People.” As a former county employee she worked in the County’s Housing and Community Development De- partment for 15 years, and managed a $15M to $20M Budget of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Mrs. Myers has advocated for more funds to be spent in District 3, which includes the majority Black populated areas.
The Sentinel Editorial Board endorses Gwen Myers
Board Of County Commissioner District 6 Republican Sandy Murman is chal- lenging incumbent Pat Kemp for the at-large seat in District 6. Murman termed out of her seat in District 1, and apparently feels that she can beat Kemp. This one is a bit tricky for our Board, because Kemp, a Democrat, has never aligned herself on issues that affect our community and during her entire term stayed at odds with Commissioner Les Miller most of the time. Murman was key in voting straight down party lines when the Republicans held the majority on the Board, however, she did support key issues that affected our community going against her Republican col- leagues. Although the Board usually supports a Democrat in this seat, Comm. Kemp did not get anyone on the Board’s support for endorse-
The Sentinel Editorial Board endorses Sandy Murman
County Court Judge Group 7
A candidate needed to secure at least 50 percent of the vote to win outright in this race for county judge. The Sentinel endorsed Atty. Bill Yanger during the crowded primary race and he is in a run-off election against former Assist. State attorney Monique Scott. Atty. Yanger has represented single moms and stars. He has worked in the trenches to make sure his clients were repre- sented well, and from all indications would be a good judge in County Court. Atty. Yanger was also the choice of the majority of Black attor- neys we asked.
The Sentinel Editorial Board endorses Bill Yanger
   More Recommendation Statements To Come In Next Issue

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