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    Karma Is Real
   “ eing a country boy, chickens coming home to roost never made me mad. In fact they always
made me glad."
That famous quote by
Malcolm X after the assas- sination of President John F. Kennedy was one of the first things that popped into my head when I heard that Donald Trump was infected with COVID-19.
Iwon'tgoasfarastosay the news made me giddy. But, I also wasn't preparing to shed a tear if things went south for Trump either.
I know that may not be the most appropriate thing to say about a person going through a health crisis. But, honestly, it's difficult for me to have sympathy for some- one who's never shown it for anyone else.
As sad as this turn of events may be for those who actually like Trump, it's hard for the rest of us to es- cape the irony of the mo- ment without feeling a little
cynicism. After all, this is a man who downplayed the severity of the virus for months. Now, in a not-so- unexpected twist, Trump faces a situation where he may be forced to suffer some of the same life-threatening symptoms that he once blew off as being no more harm- ful than those that typically come with a common cold.
In Buddhism, I believe this is referred to as Karma. And Trump appears to be receiving his in spades.
What makes Trump's current condition especially humorous, at least to me, is how stupid it makes him look after giving Joe Biden so much grief recently for following the CDC guide- lines and regularly wearing masks. With seemingly everyone in his inner circle also infected, I think it's safe to say that, instead of mock- ing Biden, Trump would have been better off taking some pointers from his arch nemesis.
I just wonder, if
Trump's health continues to deteriorate, will he tell his doctors to use hydroxy- chloroquine, Lysol, U.V. light or any of the other crazy remedies he once en- couraged other people to try? I mean, if he truly be- lieves those treatments will be effective, shouldn't he have the confidence to uti- lize them with his own life at stake?
Of course, by the time this column runs, Trump will have recovered (or at least acted like he recov- ered), from his ailment. And there is little doubt that, when it happens, he'll use the fact that he survived his ordeal as further proof of the contagion threat being overblown.
If he does I hope, at least, some of his core supporters will see through the smoke screen and realize that they've been taking health advice from a delusional buffoon. But then again, with many of Trump's base seemingly just as stubborn and foolish as their orange- haired god, it may be wish- ful thinking.
Reality On Ice is © by the Florida Sentinel Bulletin Publishing Company. You can con- tact Mr. Barr at: cbar-
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  C. Blythe Andrews 1901-1977 (1945)
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr. 1930-2010 (1977)
     The Black Vote Is Not For Sale
 We extend our well wishes to President and First Lady Trump for a speedy and complete recovery from the Coronavirus.
Last week, President Trump was definitely running scared of losing the November 3rd election, enough to dan- gle a plumb of $500 billion for economic development for developing businesses and jobs for Blacks and to desig- nate Juneteenth as a national holiday.
After three and half years in office, Trump suddenly decides to promise to throw a plumb turkey leg at Blacks, thinking we will vote for him. We remember how planta- tion masters used to allow the slaves to eat turkey, ham and other delicacies during Christmas and Thanksgiving. The rest of the year we were fed chicken feet, pig feet, ears and tails, chitterlings, neckbones and any other parts of the pig and beef the master’s family didn’t want to eat.
So, President Trump, don’t do us any favors. We have celebrated Juneteenth for the past 158 years, therefore, whether you or any other American celebrate it with us will not cause the majority of us to vote for you.
After the poorly recognized death of supporter Her- man Cain, Dr. Ben Carson and Hershel Walker are the only two Blacks that make up the “token” visible repre- sentation of Blacks on your staff and supporting your party. So, after three and a half years of ignoring Blacks, you want us to jump for joy and run out and vote for you because you are going to throw some money at us. Some of us are fools, but most of us can figure out when we are being “played.”
Many of the 48 million Black Americans have not for- gotten how you treated us by refusing to rent your apart- ments to us, how you sent Black employees to the kitchen of your casinos when company came, and the number of times you referred to us with the “N” word. We also re- member how you sent all of the Haitian earthquake refugees back without determining whether they would be able to survive. And, about that low Black employment rate, after President Obama caused Black unemployment to drop by 50 percent, it only dropped an additional 3.3% percent after you took office.
Finally. Since the $500 billion you want to give us would equal $10,417 for each of the 48 million adults and children, how about just giving that to each of us as a par- tial payment for reparations. We will use it to start our own businesses or buy stock in the Fortune 500. Never- theless, our votes are not for sale.

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