Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 5-24-16 Online Edition
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Businessman Named CEO Of Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation
Last week, members of the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Cor- poration (EDC) selected its new President and CEO. Craig J. Richard, an eco- nomic veteran was chosen to lead the organization.
The EDC is the principal jobs and business recruiting organization for the core market of Tampa Bay’s re- gional economy.
Richard will replace EDC Interim head J. P. DuBuque. Richard most recently worked in Atlanta as the CEO of the Invest Atlanta Development Authority.
A native of Houston, Texas, Richard, 52, earned
his degree from the Univer- sity of Houston. He later earned a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Plan- ning from Virginia Common- wealth University.
New West Tampa Business Owner Gets Approval To Sell Alcohol
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
In what turned out to be a heated exchange, new West Tampa business owner, Robert Morris, came be- fore the City Council Thurs- day to address his request to sell beer and wine at his per- forming arts theater, The Space, 2106 West Main Street.
In making his request, Morris pointed out to Coun- cil members he’s still trying to secure adjacent properties for parking, and that he’s been successful in getting a small park across the street from his theater to get lights installed.
In addressing the Council, Morris said he had gotten the support of a lot of people and other business owners on his request to sell beer and wine, and had an area attor- ney to speak on his behalf in approving the request.
Councilman Frank Reddick, who represents the area where the theater is located, was adamant in his stance to not have any more businesses on Main Street selling alcohol.
“I would also like to say to Mr. Morris that he hasn’t
shown us any proof that he is being supported in his re- quest. I have a problem with that, and also the attorney said he’s had people calling into a radio show he hosts talking about the theater. I listen to that show all the time, and I’ve never heard anyone calling in asking questions or making com- ments about the theater or anything else on Main Street.”
At that point, Council- woman Lisa Montileone apologized to Morris, saying she understands him being upset after Councilman Reddick called him and the attorney liars.
In response to that state- ment, Councilman Red-
dick said he never called ei- ther man a liar, but he felt the whole thing was a bunch of garbage.
“I have no problems ex- pressing myself to anyone who comes before this Coun- cil. If I wanted to call anyone a liar, I’d do it. That’s not what happened. What I did was challenge them on their statements that the West Tampa community was in support of his effort to sell beer and wine at his theater.”
When a vote was taken, the request was approved 4- 3, with Councilmen Mi- randa and Reddick voting no, along with Council Chair, Mike Suarez.
Councilman Reddick
said he hoped the voting would have been different and his colleagues would have voted no on the request, but it didn’t turn out that way.
“I do know that his pa- trons really don’t have any- where to park, and I don’t know if it’s legal for them to be parking on a vacant lot be- hind his theater.
“I know requests’ he’s made to some business own- ers about using their parking lots for his patrons has been denied.”
Commissioners Host Office Hours
Hillsborough County Commissioners Kevin Beckner and Sandra L. Murman will be hosting community office hours this week.
Commissioner Beckner, District 6, Countywide will have office hours Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 10 a. m. – 12 noon at the Upper Tampa Bay Public Library, 11211 Countryway Blvd., Tampa.
Commissioner Murman, who represents District 1, will have community office hours on Thursday, May 26, 10 a. m.-12 noon at South Shore Regional Service Center, 410 30th St., SE, Ruskin, 33570.
Community Activist To Speak At Men’s Health Forum
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The Men’s Group will host their monthly Health Forum on Friday, May 27th, begin- ning at 11 a.m. The forum will take place at the College Hill Church Of God In Christ, 6414 N. 30th Street, (corner of N. 30th Street and E. Diana).
This month, the keynote speaker for the form is Dr. Carolyn Collins, registered and Licensed Clinical Nutri- tion Specialist. A retiree, Dr. Collins served more than 34 years in her field while em- ployed at Tampa General Hospital.
She has coordinated the Cardiac Transplant Nutrition Program from its inception, accumulating more than 30 years. While in her role at the hospital, Dr. Collins as- sumed the responsibility for developing and designing the nutrition protocols for spe- cialized diets for the Kidney, Liver, and Lung Transplant
DR. CAROLYN COLLINS, Clinical Nutrition Specialist Keynote Speaker
Program; and the Ventricular Assist Devices Program.
The purpose of the forum is bringing attention to the need of maintaining a healthy lifestyle by having timely medical attention. The Men’s Group is inviting both men and women to attend the event.
A Tampa native, Dr. Collins graduated from Blake High School. She con- tinued her education at St.
Petersburg Junior College, where she earned an Associ- ate degree. She continued her education at Florida A & M University, where she gradu- ated with a Bachelor of Sci- ence degree in Foods, Nutrition and Institutional Management. She also holds a Master of Public Adminis- tration from Golden Gate University, a Master in Food and Nutrition Science at Florida State University, a Master of Education course at Florida A & M University, and a Doctorate of Humane Letter.
Dr. Collins is married to Norris Collins and she is the mother of 2 sons and grandmother to 4. She is a member of Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church.
The forum is free and open to the public. For addi- tional information about the forum contact Coach Billy Reed, at (813) 744-4923, or Chester White, Jr., at (813) 327-2804.