Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 5-1-18
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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Chapter Has Successful Event
 On Saturday, April 14, 2018, the Beta Sigma Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. hosted the second Annual “Spoken Words/Silent Art Auction.” The event was held at the Zeta House to raise funds for scholarships.
The sorority encourages the highest of scholastic achievement and promotes youth to greater heights after they graduate high school and on their way to college with a scholarship.
Over the years, Zetas have always given scholar- ships, states Mrs. Elaine Lee, Chairperson of the event. “However, for the last two years, we decided to have fun while raising funds. That’s when the “Spoken Word/Silent Art Auction was developed.”
There were several Zetas “Spoken Words” vol- unteers and donors for art within the community. They received art dona- tions for the Silent Art Auc- tion from artists at Okaybabs Gallery in Cali- fornia.
Speakers included: mo- tivational speaker, writer and poet, Donald Dowridge; poet and writer Zeta Shelle Maye; poets Zeta Sunahtah Jones, Lori Huggins; Olufemi Oyekoya, poet, writer and photographer, Julia Jackson; poetry, (award winner) Amolia St. John; poet Zeta Regina Matthews, poet Zeta Erika Watson.
Committee members were: Zetas Elaine Lee, Chair; Regina Matthews, Co- Chair; Erika Watson and Janice Golden.
Myeesha Harris is Chapter President.
On January 16, 1920, five trailblazers at Howard University in Washington D. C. founded the sorority on the precepts of Scholar- ship, Service, Sisterhood, and Finerhood. Only Zeta has been and continues to be the “Sorority of Firsts,” creating educational pro- gramming models like
Program participants with Zeta members: seated, poet Zeta Erika Watson, poet and writer, Julia Jackson, poet Zeta and Sanshtah Jones. Standing: committee member, Zeta Janiece Golden; poet, book author, emcee Donald Dowridge; poet Lori Huggins; writer, poet Shenelle May; book author, poet, Olufemi Oyekoya; poet, Zuriell Cousin (2015 Sir Debonair); Zeta Elaine Lee, Chairperson; and Zeta Regina Matthews, Co-Chairperson.
    “Lady Honeywell” attended the event.
Longtime Zeta member, E. N. Cusseaux attended the event.
So did Zeta Lee Harris.
Stork’s Nest (partnership with March of Dimes) and Z-Hope (Zeta Helping Other People Excel) and a family of youth (Pearlettes, Amicettes, and Ar- chonettes); and adults aux- iliary groups (Amicae) to advance our local commu- nities all year.
Anyone who would like to donate to St. Jude in be- half of Beta Sigma Zeta Chapter, may do so at https://www.member- bhq/stjude_1/betasig- mazetachapter. (Photos by Julia Jackson)
Guests in attendance were out-of-town guests: Lacricia Hubbard, Jeridin Jefferson and Patricia Rankins.

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