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General Hospital: Anna is all worked up. Jason looks for an ally in Lulu. Curtis stumbles upon an interesting piece of informa- tion. Lucy offers a welcome interruption. Griffin confronts Ava. Bobbie is concerned.
Chase respects Finn’s wishes. Sonny skirts the issue. Anna is put on notice.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Bill insists it’s not over with Steffy, and Liam can’t make promises. Bill uses Wyatt to further his plan to win Steffy. Bill agitates Steffy by telling her they should have a future together.
Wyatt finds himself in a difficult spot after Liam confides in him about Steffy. Justin’s conscience kicks in when he realizes Bill is unconcerned about the consequences of his actions.
There’s no telling what will be in store for Sally next. Steffy gets what she’s been hoping for, and then it immediately falls apart. Bill boasts to Justin about the success of his plan involving Wyatt.
The Young & The Restless: Phyllis and Nikki fear Sharon will confess, while Victor pushes himself to the extreme, and Hilary hits on a plan. Sharon and Nick learn something upsetting. Victor lends an ear to Neil.
Hilary takes control. Jack remains firm. Nikki makes a change. Billy ponders a new partnership. Nick faces down temptation. Paul questions Victoria. Phyllis stands up for Hilary.
Days Of Our Lives: Marlena, Kate, and Vivian’s situation be- comes dire. Kayla and Steve have a heart-to-heart regarding his condition. Vivian drops a bombshell on Kate about Andre. Leo helps Sonny out of a sticky situation.
Pictures From The Past
         ST. JOHN PROGRESSIVE MB CHURCH #3 CHOIR 84th ANNIVERSARY: 2014 – Longtime St. John member, Mother Francis Williams and Min- ister Alexander attended the Choir Anniversary Program.
34th STREET CHURCH OF GOD AGAPE BALL 2014 – A wonderful time was had by all the mem- bers and friends at the gala celebration. Shown here enjoying the event are: Shannon Ramsey and Hyanth James.
 SENIOR WOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY PRESIDENT’S HOUR – Deaconess Cynthia Epps spoke during the service. Sis. Barbara Wright is President.
  PROGRESSIVE MISSIONARY AND EDUCATION BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION – The President’s Hour for Barbara Wright was attended by Deacon and Deaconess Charlie (Patricia) Ball.
  ST. JOHN PROGRESSIVE CHURCH CHOIR ANNIVERSARY – These Choir #3 members were in at- tendance: Eunice Massen, Carolyn Boston, Dorothy Worlds, Deacon Leonard Lynn, Thelma Green, Mother Carrie Green and Theresa Parfuharson.
  Taurus (April 20-May 20): You will welcome the break- through that occurs after the Full Moon peaks. It will give you clarity regarding travel issues as well as medicine, the law, publishing and political or racial issues. (That’s a lot!)
Gemini (May 21-June 20): You are doing a lot of work be- hind the scenes right now and you will feel a breakthrough. Certain issues will be resolved, especially issues regarding inheritances and shared property. Finally, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s not a train. What a relief!
Cancer (June 21-July 22): The Moon is your ruler, which is why you are aware of the Full Moon each month. After the Full Moon peaks you will have greater clarity about making future plans, especially with friends, partners and groups.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): This is a tough Full Moon for you. It’s a tough Full Moon for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. But the good news is that after the Full Moon peaks, things come together. Relations with parents and bosses make sense and feel solid. This is reassuring.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be careful because this is an acci- dent-prone day due to the energy of the Full Moon. Pay attention to everything you say and do. Pay particular attention to driving, walk- ing, jogging and biking. And also be mindful of what comes out of your mouth. Good day to make vacation plans.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Squabbles about money, posses- sions, inheritances and shared property have been building up for some time. They will be resolved after the Full Moon peaks. Then you will have a stronger direction about expectations for home and family. Clarity is a relief.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The only Full Moon in your sign all year is occurring. Naturally this creates tension between you and others. However, after it peaks, much can be resolved. You will feel clearer about where you want to go and what you want to achieve. How reassuring!
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Tension with co-workers has been bubbling under. For some, this tension might be expressed through your health or even a pet. However, after the Full Moon peaks, you will have a better sense of direction, especially in terms of money and income. At last!
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be patient with friends and groups because the Full Moon can create tension dealing with oth- ers. Ironically, after it peaks, you will feel greater affinity and clarity, especially with children, artistic projects, social situations and va- cations. You might feel like you have given birth.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Relations with family members have been stressed lately. After the Full Moon peaks you will have greater clarity about what you want to achieve both at home and within your family, especially dealing with a parent.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Be careful because this is an ac- cident-prone day for your sign because of the Full Moon energy after the Full Moon peaks. You will be able to go forward with plans for the future with greater clarity. Major bonus!
Aries (March 21-April 19): Finally! After several days of ten- sion dealing with others, you will experience a lovely breakthrough after the Full Moon peaks. You will feel direction and focus about financial matters and your job or how you earn money.

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