Page 13 - Florida Sentinel 5-1-18
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Golf Course Owners Who Called Police On Black Women Golfers Suffering Backlash
Carolyn Dow, 56, Sandra Harrison, 59, Karen Crosby, 58, Atty. Sandra Thompson, 50, and Myneca Ojo, 56 known as the Sisters in the Fairway were told to leave the golf course on Saturday. When they did not, the police were called by the owner of the golf club, Jordan Chronister, shown with his father, a former County commissioner, Steve Chronister.
No Prom Or Graduation For Teen Who Posted
YORK, PA —- A golf club in Pennsylvania has apologized for calling the cops on a group of Black women after the co-owner and his father complained that they were playing too slowly and refused requests to leave the course.
The women, Sandra Thompson, Myneca Ojo, Sandra Harrison, Carolyn Dow, and Karen Crosby, known as the Sisters in the Fair- way—were told on the second hole they were not keeping pace of play at Grandview Golf Club by former York County Commis- sioner, Steve Chronister, fa- ther of the course's c0-owner, JJ Chronister.
The group, which had report- edly received permission to play as a fivesome, pointed out to the club pro the pairing ahead was on the green and they were keeping pace. The women re- portedly finished their first nine
holes under two hours, below average pace of play etiquette.
At the turn, three of the women left, shaken up by the in- cident. Two decided to continue playing. At that point, Chronis- ter, his son, Jordan and three staff members approached San- dra Thompson and Myneca Ojo, telling them they had taken too long of a break between nines.
The women were told they had five minutes to leave the property, they did not and police were called twice.
When the women responded they were members of the club, the senior Chronister, offered to refund their membership.
Following the call to police, the women captured the con- frontation on video.
Northern York County Re- gional Police arrived, conducted interviews and left without charging anyone. “We were
called there for an issue, the issue did not warrant any charges,” Northern York County Regional Police Chief Mark Bentzel said. “All parties left and we left as well.”
Jordan Chronister’s wife and co-owner of the club, JJ Chronister, called the women personally to apologize. How- ever, a second statement was re- leased backtracking from JJ's comments.
Following the story a Penn- sylvania state senator is calling for an investigation.
”We have to deal with situa- tions like this too frequently," State Sen. Vincent J. Hughes said in a statement. "This time, police determined it was not a matter they should have been involved in, but it is appalling that someone would call the po- lice for a non-violent incident where the only crime was being black on a public golf course."
This sign posted on Snapchat by Sarasota’s Riverview High stu- dent, Noah Crowley to his girlfriend, Isabella Vinalli resulted in major backlash and consequences for him.
Racist Promposal
Fort Valley State Employee Behind Sorority Sex Scandal Resigns
SARASOTA, FL — A Sara- sota high school student won’t be attending prom or gradua- tion for invoking a racial stereotype in his “promposal” to his girlfriend.
Noah Crowley, 18, held up a sign in a Snapchat photo weekend before last, to ask his girlfriend, Isabella Vinalli to Riverview High School in Sara- sota to be his prom date on May 5.
The sign said:“If I was black, I’d be picking cotton, but I’m white so I’m picking u 4 prom?”
The invitation was met with a heart-eyed emoji by Vinalli.
Crowley reportedly apolo- gized on social media, saying it was not his intention to offend anyone.
Students who know the cou-
ple alleged that the duo have previously used racist termi- nology and statements that they define as “jokes.” In fact, in his apology, Crowley said it was a “joke.”
A public relations and “is- s u e s management” firm pro- vided Sarasota County Schools with a statement from Crow- ley’s parents saying that while he’s apologized they wanted to “also express our most sincere apologies for the terrible words used in his ‘promposal.'”
“After numerous familial conversations and lengthy dis- cussions with Riverview High School administrators, we have jointly agreed that our son will not be attending any further school activities or functions, including the Prom or gradua- tion ceremony.
FORT VALLEY, GA —- In the wake of a shocking sex scandal investigation that has rocked the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority on the campus of Fort Valley State University, reports revealed that the University president’s former executive assistant Alecia Johnson, is the employee at the center of the storm and Johnson has resigned from her job.
The Georgia Bureau of In- vestigation is currently con- ducting an investigation of Fort Valley State University that in- volves the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, but there’s been speculation and some confu- sion surrounding what the ac- tual allegations are.
It has been reported that an employee and member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority was allegedly involved in a “sex ring” at the university. The sex- ual misconduct allegations has
Alecia Johnson resigned her position as executive assistant to the president of Fort Valley State.
the school’s campus swirling It was first reported by the Atlanta Journal Constitu- tion that the historically Black school was being investigated for hazing allegations and sex- ual misconduct orchestrated by an employee. GBI Special Agent J.T. Ricketson was giving up bits of info about the case and had talked to several
news outlets about the shock- ing claims. The school asked that Ricketson be removed from the case and the GBI com- plied and put other investiga- tors on the case.
Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority also sent in their own investi- gators and the sorority’s activi- ties have been suspended pending the outcome.