Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 8-15-17
P. 4

Meetings Planned To Discuss Election Changes Boundary
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
The Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Of- fice and the Hillsborough County City-County Plan- ning Commission will host several meetings to discuss redistricting. Four commu- nity meetings have been set for residents to review maps and seek answers to their questions.
Redistricting is required by law each year before regu- lar elections are held. All property within the city lim- its must be re-divided by the elections officers in accor- dance with population changes.
Before the new districts can be instituted, the Hills- borough County City-County Planning Commission is re- quired by law to host at least one public hearing to discuss the boundaries and allow the public to comment.
According to the Planning Commission and based on the U. S. Census Report, there are 353,560 residents within the city limits of Tampa.
District 4, with 87,470 residents, is below the aver- age population of 88,390 residents.
District 5, with 90,190 residents, is above the aver- age population of 88,390 residents. Since the law re- quires that the districts be as equal as possible, some boundaries must be reconfig- ured to reflect the popula- tion.
The Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Of- fice cannot proclaim the new districts until the Hillsbor- ough County City-County Planning Commission has held the public meetings and solicited comments about the changes.
The meeting dates will
take place between 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., on the following
Monday, August 21st, Kate
Jackson Community Center at Anderson Park, 821 S. Rome Avenue
Monday, August 28th, Sulphur Springs Library, 8414 N. 13th Street
Wednesday, August 30th, Charles Fendig Li- brary, 3909 W. Neptune Street
Thursday, August 31st, Copeland Park Commu- nity Center, 11001 N. 15th Street
Tuesday, September 5th, Robert Saunders Li- brary, 1505 N. Nebraska Avenue
Thursday, September 7th, Seminole Heights Li- brary, 4711 N. Central Avenue.

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