Page 29 - Florida Sentinel 1-22-16 Edition
P. 29

Movie Review/Soaps/Horoscopes
Ride Along 2 - Produced by St. Pete native Will Packer and directed by Tim Story, Ben (Kevin Hart) and soon-to be- brother- in-law James (Ice Cube) travel to Miami to bring down a drug dealer who’s supplying the dealers of Atlanta. A light comedy with a few laughs. This should be the last film for this fran- chise. No. 1 at box office. Made $35M. (Budget $40M). **1⁄2
13th Hour: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi - A security team (John Krasin- ski, James Dale) are forced to defend a U. S. compound when the American Ambassa- dor is ambushed. Based on a true story, Director Michael Bay (Transformer) did a great job with this 2 hrs./40 mins. intense drama. Made $16M. (Budget $50M). ****
The Revenant - A west- ern tracker or frontier man (Leonardo DiCaprio) seeking fur back in the 1820s fights for survival after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by members (Tom Hardy) of his hunting team. A brutal and real life display of survival from the weather, In- dians, and animals. DiCaprio won best actor/drama, Ale- jandro Inarritu-best director and the film won for best movie at the Golden Globe. Amazing film work by the di- rector. 2 hrs./40 mins. long. Made $89M. (Budget $135M). ****
The Hateful Eight - Di- rector Quentin Tarantino does again with ‘The Hateful Eight’ masterpiece. The movie set during the post- Civil War delivers extremely strong (bloody) violence, (racial) language, humor and colorful characters. Bounty hunter John ‘The Hangman’ Ruth (Kurt Russell) and his fugitive prisoner (Jennifer Jason Leigh) encounter an- other bounty hunter (Samuel Jackson) and a man (Walton Goggins) who claims to be the new sheriff of Red Rock. Hop- ing to find shelter from a bliz- zard, the group travels to a Wyoming stagecoach stopover with four strangers inside the saloon. That’s when Tarantino’s clever, sinister structure in a one room pres- sure setting takes you on a crazy ride. “The Hateful Eight’ gives you everything (and the kitchen sink). If you like mysteries, then this film is for you. 2 hrs./40 mins. long. Jackson and Goggin de- liver strong performances with Golden Globe or Oscar consideration. Another Tarantino’s Oscar nomina- tion masterpiece (Django,
BOLD AND THE BEAU- TIFUL - Wyatt supports Steffy. Bill and Brooke try to keep their distance from each other at work. Quinn works to manipulate a relationship while keeping a big secret. Wyatt helps distract Steffy from thinking about Liam.
Nicole learns Brady has been dreaming about her. Belle is
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —Put forth your personal best effort. Use your growing power and talent for good. Planning helps keep costs down. Take care of others.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Finish old projects. Enter a private intellectual as- sessment phase. Restore men- tal and physical energy through rest and meditation.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Your social life is extra fun. Collaborate with friends. Schedule carefully. Call or text if you’re going to be late. Play together.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Focus on career, and take advantage of new oppor- tunities. Advance your posi- tion. Your status and influence are on the rise. Show up.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Stick to the budget, de- spite eagerness to leap, push limitations and discover. Travel beckons. Higher spiri- tual values come into play.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Focus on family fi- nances. Sort, file and organize. Discuss long-term goals. Per- suade your partner with charm and patience.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Collaborate, compromise and negotiate win-win deals. Rely on each other. If you have bad dreams, ask the monster for a gift.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) — Focus on your work. Mental creativity is at maxi- mum. Schedule extra rest for balance. Choose private over public engagements.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Enter a highly creative pe- riod. Don’t get mad when oth- ers remind you to stay on task. You’re lucky in love and games this month. Practice talents.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Shift mental gears, focus on home and family. Nurture your creativity in beautiful, comfortable sur- roundings and settle in.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) — Write, record and publish over the next month. Learn and retain complex ma- terial. Your communications thrive, and words come easily.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) — Money comes more easily this month. Bal- ance expenses with income. Move forward with an eclectic idea. Show off your self-disci- pline. Put in the extra work re- quired. Grow a tidy nest egg.
tempted when Shawn admits he’d like to give their marriage another chance.
Sonny receives promising news. Carly makes a plea to Ava about Avery. Hayden is torn by her feelings for Nik. Curtis defies Jordan’s de- mands. Jason has a significant memory. Lulu seeks advice from her mom. Sonny makes a breakthrough, but keeps it to himself. Nikolas takes a big step.
YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Paul seeks in- formation about Billy’s acci- dent. Abby tries to adjust to being Max’s stepmother. Stitch tries to keep the peace between his son and wife. Dylan leads the search for Adam. Adam tries to escape. Victor takes matters into his own hands. Chelsea teams with Victor. Victoria recon- nects with Billy. Victoria asks Billy about his acci- dent.
Pulp Fiction). Made $47M. (Budget $44M). Must-see! Five stars!
Concussion - Based on a true story, well-renowned pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu (Will Smith) uncovers the truth about brain damage in football player who suffers repeated concussions in the course of playing football. Smith basically carries this film with great acting and is nominated for best actor by the Golden Globe. Very shocking information for par- ents who kids play football. Must-see! Made $32M. (Bud- get $35M). ****
Daddy’s Home - Stepdad Brad Whitaker (Will Ferrell) puts a lot of effort into getting his stepchildren to love him and call him Dad. His plans turn upside down when the biological father, Dusty (Mark Walhberg), returns home. This hilarious comedy is worth seeing for laughs. Made $129M. (Budget N/A). ***1⁄2
Joy - Joy (Jennifer Lawrence) is a woman who struggled to make it from the bottom to the top of a power- ful family business dynasty. Really enjoyed this film. Love the rags to riches type movies. Made $51M. (Budget $60M). ****
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - After the defeat of the Galactic Empire, the evil First Order attempts to rule the galaxy. A group of un- expected heroes (Daisy Rid- ley, John Boyega and Harrison Ford) join forces with the Resistance to try and stop a younger Dark Vader, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). Di- rector J. J. Abrams (Mission Impossible 3) did a great job keeping this 7th blockbuster franchise moving in a fast pace. Largest box office week- end of All-Time in the U. S. making $238M. Made $852M / Foreign $1B. (Bud- get N/A). ****
In The Heart Of The Sea - Inspired by the novel, Moby Dick, a crew of seamen (Chris Hemsworth) set sail for whaling oil, but are con- fronted by a giant whale with no mercy. Directed by Ron Howard, this film was really intense. Made $24M. (Budget $100M). ****
Creed - Former Heavy- weight Champion Rocky Bal- boa (Sylvester Stallone) is forced to act as a trainer and mentor to Adonis Johnson (Michael B. Jordan), the son of his former rival and friend Apollo Creed. Tessa Campbell also stars. Well-written box- ing drama. Must-See! Made $105M. (Budget $35M). ****

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