Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 1-22-16 Edition
P. 4

Financial Consultant To Host Seminars
BY LEON B. CREWS Sentinel Staff Writer
Alabama native, Lionel Shipman, realized quickly that having degrees in a spe- cific career field doesn’t mean you are guaranteed employ- ment.
“I graduated with a degree in Computer Science and Business. After having no suc- cess finding a job in that ca- reer field, I was later told about a career position in banking.
“I started off working with commercial loans, and did that for 12 years. After that, I became a bank branch man- ager, and business banker. It didn’t take me long to realize that getting into banking was like enrolling in college all over again.”
Shipman is a graduate of Troy University and has more than two decades of experi- ence in banking and financial services.
“I work with consumer and commercial clients in various positions. Since 2001, I’ve owned Shipman Consult- ing and Financial Services, and we specialize in helping people improve their financial outlooks.
“Our goal is to educate, motivate, and empower peo- ple to maximize their finan- cial lives and build a solid
financial foundation. Our in- teractive personal financial seminars and workshops are designed to empower individ- uals to improve their financial outlooks with the goal of be- coming debt and financially free.”
Shipman said he under- went a lot of training and had a lot of mentors along the way.
“I was fortunate to be able to talk to people with expert- ise in specific fields, and I got an understanding of the in- dustry and how to progress.
“I am very specific about the kind of information I share, and I changed my model slightly to start hosting workshops on budgeting, credit repair, financial re- cover from bankruptcy, and debt control.”
Shipman said he’s done
a lot of business with churches giving information on financial management.
“This is something I’d like to continue and share the benefits to the congregation. I also visit area schools to talk to students about money management.
“When I do presentations to young people, I concen- trate on trying to change their spending habits. I’ve done a lot of seminars with young people, and I’ve talked to them about saving money and being self reliant.”
Shipman said he also does life skill training that in- cludes interviewing skills and how to constructively use your time.
“I also teach the impor- tance of the need to respect yourself and others.
“I regularly facilitate dy- namic financial learning ses- sions through Facebook, addressing various financial topics such as identity theft, money saving tips and finan- cial recovery.”
Shipman said he would appreciate an opportunity to make a positive impact on any organization, school, or church.
Shipman is married (Sheila) and the couple has two daughters and a dog.
For financial consultant call (813) 760-027.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest Winners
From left to right: Darius Taylor, Jasmin, Walker, Arianna Greene, Cecelia Taylor, Christina Keith, Jamie Walker, Silas Powell (not pictured), Ada Scott, and Eric Scott.
First Baptist Church of Progress Village, in partner- ship with Hillsborough Com- munity College, sponsored the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Day On,” and announced they were hosting an essay contest.
The topic of the essay was
“Promote Liberty, Justice and Freedom for All, Every Day.”
The contestants from ele- mentary, middle and high school categories were re- quired to write an essay on what actions, activities, work events and programs that they, their church or commu- nity could do to reflect the anti-racism teachings and ac- tions of Dr. King. The goal of the essay was to inspire youth to action, evoke confi- dence, improve their educa-
tion, and orations skills.
On January 10th the win- ners were announced, and the first place winner of each category recited their essays on Sunday, January 17th at First Baptist Church of Progress Village. The winners received a trophy, certificate
and cash gift card.
The elementary school
winners were: Darius Tay- lor (first place); Jasmin Walker (second place), and Ada Scott (third place).
The middle school win- ners were: Arianna Greene (first place); Eric Scott (sec- ond place), and Cecelia Taylor (third place).
The high school winners were: Christina Keith (first place); Jamie Walker (sec- ond place), and Silas Pow- ell (third place).

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