Page 12 - Florida Sentinel 8-14-18
P. 12

 Man Jailed In Stand Your Ground Shooting
 On Monday, the Pinellas County State Attorney’s Of- fice arrested a man in connec- tion with a fatal shooting last month. Michael Drejka is being held at the Pinellas County jail on $100,000 bond.
Drejka was arrested Monday and charged with manslaughter with an en- hancement because of the gun.
Drejka fatally shot 28- year-old Markeis Mc- Glockton on July 20th outside the Circle A Store, 1201 Sunset Point Road, in Clearwater.
According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, Drejka became engaged in an altercation with Ms. Bri- tany Jacobs after she pulled into a handicapped parking space. Ms. Jacobs’ boyfriend, Markeis Mc- Glockton, and their 5-year- old son had gone inside the store.
Ms. Jacobs was waiting in the car when she was ap- proached by 47-year-old Drejka. The two became en- gaged in an argument over Ms. Jacobs parking in the handicap space, police said.
Witnesses alerted the clerk about the argument in the parking lot. At that point, McGlockton went outside
the store, and walked over to Drejka. Witnesses told po- lice McGlockton forcibly pushed Drejka and Drejka fell to the ground.
While on the ground in a sitting position, Drejka pulled a handgun and fired one shot at McGlockton, hitting him in the chest. Mc- Glockton died as a result of his injuries.
Drejka had a concealed weapon permit at the time of the killing.
On Friday, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri stated that the shooting was ruled a “stand your ground” shooting. Drejka was not arrested.
State Senator Darryl Rouson said, “I believe the State Attorney’s Office did the right thing, and that the
process is working. It is not over yet. This helps me be- cause I think the law needs clarification and reform, and this helps to prove that point.”
State Rep. Sean Shaw said, “This day is too long coming. Justice delayed is justice denied and we con- tinue to seek justice for the McGlockton family and so many other families across the state. Stand Your Ground laws are wrong and have no place in a civilized society. Starting on day one, as Attor- ney General, I will do every- thing in my power to force the legislature to repeal this terri- ble law.
“We look forward to Mr. Drejka receiving his day in court.”
Middleton High To Host Gibbs High Friday At Tigers Den
       Middleton High School players are ready for the Friday night ri- valry. They are: Kyler Edwards, Devin Strawder, Dashon Strawder, and Johnnie Brown.
   BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The football game on Fri- day night of 2 schools getting together – 1 across the Bay – is building excitement among the teams, students, coaches and administration of both schools.
The Middleton High School Tigers will take on the Gladiators of Gibbs High School, St. Petersburg, on Fri- day night, August 17, 2018, on the football field at Middle- ton. Game time is 7:30 p. m.
The game in 2017 was the first time the two teams had collided in several years. It was the beginning of what Middleton’s Coach Fred Reid would like to become an annual event. The 2017 game
was played in St. Petersburg. The Tigers were the victors with a score of 13-8.
This year, Coach Reid will take on Gibbs’ new foot- ball coach, JoVonta Trot- ter.
“There is nowhere better to be on a Friday night than at a high school football game,” Coach Reid said. “Those Friday night lights at those hometown that means everything!
“Middleton High School and Gibbs High School are true old school rivals that will meet head to head on Friday, August 17th 7:30 p. m. Come out and enjoy a night of great football where opposite sides of the Bay battle it out,!” he concluded.
  August Is Child Safety Awareness Month
 The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Ve- hicles (DHSMV) is reminding motorists that August is Child Safety Awareness Month.
Motorists are reminded to focus on child safety on and around state roads and ensure all children are correctly buck- led into a vehicle every time. The DHSMV is partnering with the Florida Department of Children and Families, Florida Department of Educa- tion, Florida Police Chiefs As- sociation, Florida Sheriffs Association and the Florida
Chapter of the American Acad- emy of Pediatrics (FCAAP) to recognize August 2018 as “Child Safety Awareness Month.”
The DHSMV’s Division of the Florida Highway Patrol of- fers free car seat installation and safety checks at major FHP troop stations through- out the state. Parents and guardians can call any local FHP office to schedule an ap- pointment with a certified car seat technician.
Throughout the month, the department will be educating
the public regarding all as- pects of child safety on Florida roads, including occupant pro- tection and proper seat re- straints, safety in and around school zones, and school buses, and never leaving chil- dren in hot cars.
Officials said the inside of a vehicle can heat up by 20 de- grees in 10 minutes. A child’s body temperature can rise three to five times faster than an adult’s, and heatstroke in a closed vehicle can occur when the temperature is as low as 57 degrees outside.
  Tampa Housing Authority To Meet Wednesday
The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Tampa will meet on Wednes- day, August 15, 2018, 8:30 a. m. at the Administration Offices, 5301 W. Cypress St., Tampa 33607.
Several other meetings of the Board of Directors will meet following the regular meeting.
All Board meetings are open to the public.
Susan Johnson-Velez is Chairman of the Board of Com- missioners, and Jerome D. Ryans is President/CEO of the Housing Authority.
In an article entitled “Group Wants To Honor Local Legend With Bronze Plaque,” it was incorrectly stated that the Hillsborough High School Track was named in honor of Ms. Theresa Manuel in 2004.
The name of the school in which the track is named in her honor is Middleton High School. We apologize for any inconvenience the error may have caused.

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