Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 8-14-18
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Teenager Dies After Being Struck By Car
Grant Workshop To Be Held
In August
A 16-year-old teenager died on Friday after being struck by a car. He was at- tempting to cross the street at W. Sligh Avenue and N. Rome when the accident took place.
According to the Tampa Police Department, Jephte’ Germain Rogers was struck by a 1992 Honda Accord travel- ing westbound on Sligh Av- enue, at approximately 3:45 p.m., Friday. He was trans- ported to a local hospital, where he died as a result of his injuries.
Germain Rogers was not in a designated cross walk at the time of the acci- dent. The driver of the vehi- cle has not been identified and has not been charged. Police said the investigation is continuing.
Germain Rogers was a student at Tampa Bay Christian Academy. Ms. Natasha Sherwood, spokesperson for the school released the following state- ment:
The Center for Non-Profit and Community Develop- ment, Inc., will host a profes- sional grant-writing workshop on Saturday, Au- gust 18th.
The workshop will be held on at the Robert W. Saunders Public Library, 1505 N. Ne- braska Avenue, and will take place from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m.
The topic of the workshop is, “How To Start A 501c3 Not-For-Profit And How To Fund It.”
The first portion of the workshop will address the topic of “How To Start A 501c3 Nonprofit.” The topic of the second half of the workshop will be a “Free Professional Grant
Writing Workshop.”
Those in attendance will also learn about the different types of federal and state forms and applicati9ons re- quired to form a 501c3 cor- poration; developing a 5-year plan to attain funding and build your organizational ca- pacity; what funders consider when funding an organiza- tion; and how to prepare a grant proposal.
In order to attend, you must email centerfornon- profitandcommunity@gmail. com to receive a packet to at- tend the class.
Seating is limited, and anyone wishing to attend is asked to call (813) 857-7657 for additional information.
JEPHTE’ GERMAIN ROGERS 11/11/2001 — 8/10/2018
“The TBCA (Tampa Bay Christian Academy) family is mourning the loss of our student and friend. This is a sad and tragic accident and we mourn for his family and friends. We’ve developed a hotline for our families and friends to reach out for help at 1-866-684-2007 and will have counselors at school Monday.
“Our students and fam- ily are obviously going through a traumatic time.
We would appreciate if you would extend privacy and space to our students and families as they return to school on Monday so as not to disrupt what will already be a very difficult morning.”
Germain Rogers at- tended Jefferson High School last school year and was a member of the foot- ball team.
A prayer vigil was held at Jefferson in his memory this past weekend.
Candidate Calls For Gun Violence Prevention Working Group
Last week, State Rep- resentative Sean Shaw held a press conference to address gun violence in Florida. Shaw, a candidate for the Attorney General’s Office, said he plans to es- tablish a statewide gun vio- lence workshop group.
Rep. Shaw said, “We have a gun violence epi- demic in this state and country —- and we need leaders who are ready to take action to save lives. It is unacceptable to live in a state with so many homi- cides by firearm and ignore solutions —- including the repeal of Stand Your Ground, reforming conceal carry permitting, preemp- tion background checks, and sales of assault
State Rep. and Candidate for Attorney General
If elected Attorney Gen-
eral, Shaw plans to take task force recommenda- tions and champion new laws and regulations during the 2019 Legislative Ses- sion.
The task force will in-
clude invited representation from the Governor’s Office and Cabinet Members, Leg- islators, Law Enforcement, County Sheriffs, County Ex- ecutives, Public Defenders, Mayors, Chiefs of Police, Schools, Teachers, Stu- dents, Victims’ Rights Ad- vocates, Mental Health Organizations, Community Groups, and Gun Rights Advocates.
A Florida native, Shaw graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Politics. He continued his education at the University of Florida, Levin School of Law, where he earned his JD Degree.
He was elected as State House Representative for District 61 in 2016.