Page 20 - 3-13-15 Friday's Edition
P. 20

March Health Awareness News By Jeremy Harris
Brain Injury Awareness Month: The Brain Injury Association of America raises awareness about traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI can affect the cognitive thinking, reasoning, and memory portion of the brain. The leading cause of brain injuries
are from falls, followed by car crashes, then struck by object.
All sports are required to become educated on preventative measures to reduce traumatic brain injuries. For more information visit the website:
Monthly Observances
Spiritual Wellness Month - 8 ways to enhance your spiritual wellness:
1. Explore the core of who you are and your pur- pose in life.
2. Discovering a deeper meaning of your life will keep you in control of your outcomes.
3. Finding creative ways to express yourself will help you maintain focus on a daily basis.
4. Yoga helps to reduce high blood pressure, in- somnia, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and boost the immune system.
5. Traveling can be comforting and relieve stressors.
6. Learning how to think positively will reposi- tion your life to happier moments and obtain a peace of mind during chaos situations.
7. Taking 5-10 minutes per day to meditate will free your mind and foster stronger relation- ships.
8. Treating others the way you want to be treated has a life changing effect to one’s life. Quinoa Month - A rich nutrient grain used as flour with an abundance of vitamin E, fiber,
and protein. It is also an excellent source of manganese, copper, and zinc.
Daily Observances
International Day of Awesomeness - Take today to recognize and celebrate the feats of awesomeness.
Land Line Telephone Day - Acknowledge all landline telephone, although many think that they are soon to be extinct.
Organize your Home Office Day - Make sure you keep a clean work environment.
Women’s & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - Support the United States HIV/AIDS Organization(s) such as Clinton Foundation, Gates Foundation, Magic Johnson Foun- dation, The Foundations of AIDS Research, Henry J. Kaiser, Red Ribbon Foundation and many more.

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