Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 2-2-16
P. 11
Soaps/Horoscopes/Pictures From The Past
Bold And The Beautiful - Quinn pushes Wyatt to hurry things along with Steffy. Steffy struggles to get over Liam. Bill tries to play peacemaker be- tween Brooke and Katie but fails. Sasha confronts Julius about the way he’s treated her. Sasha takes advantage of an evening alone with Zende. Her recent troubles with Brooke bring past anguish to the surface for Katie.
Days Of Our Lives - Steve tries to strike a deal with Ava. Ciara rips into Chase after un- covering his secret. Eve takes Claire under her wing. Philip opens up to Belle about Deimos’ blackmail. Theresa and Nicole make a bold career move. Eric accuses Jennifer of abusing painkillers.
General Hospital- Jake’s actions have serious conse- quences for more than one per- son. Dante and Lulu come to a mutual agreement. Nina finds inspiration in Olivia’s battle. Liz is terrified that history is repeat- ing itself. Sam’s plight becomes life threatening. Felix breaks troubling news to Michael. A change in circumstances has Ava taking legal action. Nikolas and Hayden’s “moment” is inter-
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Old assumptions are chal- lenged. Strike out in a new direc- tion. Make a creative plan. Get tools and supplies together. Do the jobs that pay best first. Peace and quiet soothes short tempers. Apply artistic touches.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Teamwork leads to victory. Concentrate intently. Expand in the direction of least resistance. Consult with experts, friends and family. Children have a fresh per- spective. Bring a dream image into your external environment.
Aries (March 21-April 19) — Stay focused to expand your territory. Imagine a project com- pleted. Resist the urge to splurge. A hidden danger could arise. If it goes against your grain, turn it down. Lies are revealed. Notice your dreams.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Move quickly to grab an op- portunity. You can make it hap- pen together. Someone interesting has your attention. Hold on to your money. Good things are worth waiting for. Commit to an inspiring future.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Put energy into work today, despite chaos. Provide excellent service. There’s an opportunity to advance. The more you learn the better you look. Track sales. Verify the investment of time and money before compromis- ing.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Tap hidden assets. Make the changes you’ve been contemplat- ing. Don’t run away from it, de- spite strong impulse. Don’t get talked out of what you want. Say what you’ve been holding back. Take bold action.
rupted. Scotty brings Laura sur- prising news.
Young And The Restless - Victoria tells Phyllis, as Billy looks on, “That Internet security deal that you mentioned? My fa- ther’s putting me in charge of it while he’s out of town.” Dr. Bar- ton Shelby says to Sage, “It’s just the two of us now. Suppose you tell me what’s really going on.” Nick strides into the penthouse and tells Adam, “We need to talk about Sage. Let’s just get every- thing out into the open.” A meeting between Cane and Michael causes concern. Faith says, “Sage is sick, and she might not be coming home for a while.” Nick asks who told her that. Sharon says, “I did.” Colin shouts at Jill, “Are you ever going to trust me?” Jill replies, “You’ve given me a million rea- sons not to.” Hilary says, “I didn’t sign the divorce papers.” Neil asks, “Does that mean you’re willing to give Devon a chance?” Jill schemes to bring Lily and Cane back together. Hi- lary considers her options. Dr. Anderson shocks Nick. Adam works to trap Luca. Chelsea warns Adam about playing with fire. Sage gets caught.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Focus on family interactions. Find ways to support each other. Work interferes with play. Try and try again. Dig deeper for a solution. Find a hidden treasure. No splurging. Enjoy simple com- fort foods together.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Clean up messes. Others want fast action, but you’d better slow down or risk an accident. Accept another’s generosity graciously. Provide leadership. Take decisive action. Send someone else ahead. Following through pays well.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Work takes precedence. Increas- ing productivity gives you more time off afterwards. Avoid gossip or controversy. Pay bills. Explore streets you seldom visit.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Full speed ahead to meet a deadline. A rush job pre-empts scheduled programming. Work quickly, but carefully. Avoid pro- voking jealousies. The neighbor- hood provides what you need. Friends keep you headed in the right direction.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — A roadblock or unex- pected expense stalls the action. Stick to the truth. Don’t jump to conclusions. Pay bills before buy- ing treats. Take it slow. Practice frugality. You won’t have to defer gratification forever.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Assume responsibility. Address an uncomfortable situa- tion head on. Begin a fresh page. Emotions could run high. Stand in compassion, for yourself and others. Listen to another view. Judge not. Get rest.
Mr. and Mrs. James (Willamena) Johnson, members of Exciting Faith Alive, attended First John’s Pastor’s Anniversary.
Luvator Nelson (left), President of the Middleton High School Alumni Associa- tion, Denise Meteye James, CDC of Tampa, Inc., Luncheon Chairperson, and Patricia Cooper, Vice President of the Middleton High School Alumni Association attended the CDC Banquet.
Ms. Erma Griffin, President of the Don Thompson - Howard W. Blake Alumni Choir, opened the organiza- tion’s program with a praise service.
Father and son (L-R), Elder George Streets, Jr. and Elder George Streets, Sr., rendered services for First John’s Pastor’s Anniversary.