Page 11 - Florida Sentinel 6-15-18
P. 11

  Attorney’s Signature Gathering Campaign Successful
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
After announcing her in- tentions for seeking public office, a Tampa attorney used a signature gathering to qualify for the ballot. As a re- sult, Attorney Fentrice Driskill has qualified for of- fice in November.
Candidates have the op- tion of gathering signatures from registered voters or paying the fees required. At- torney Driskell has sub- mitted 1,140 verified signatures to the Hillsbor- ough County Supervisor of Elections Office.
She is now officially a candidate for the Florida House District 63 Office.
Attorney Driskell filed to run for the office on Feb- ruary 6, 2018. She gathered the required number of sig- natures in less than 4 months.
“We are so proud to have achieved our goal of qualify-
Florida, from making smart investments in public educa- tion, to encouraging public- private partnerships that drive innovation and eco- nomic development in Tampa Bay in the areas of workforce development, af- fordable housing, and trans- portation, to protecting our children with sensible gun laws.”
Attorney Driskell is a Florida native and graduate of Harvard and Georgetown Law. She serves on several boards and is an active mem- ber of the Florida Bar, where she serves on the Judicial Nominating Procedures Committee and as Vice Chair of the Standing Committee on Diversity and Inclusion.
Her volunteer efforts focus on programs that sup- port students and families as well as homeless military veterans. Florida House Dis- trict 63 is located in Hillsbor- ough County and includes the Tampa-area communi-
ties of Carrollwood, Lake Magdalene, Lutz, University,
Her opponent is incum-
bent Shawn Harrison.
 New Tampa, and
ing by ballot petition and truly appreciate all of the support and encouragement we’ve received from the com- munity since filing to run in February.
“Thank you to my won- derful team of volunteers and everyone in our commu- nity who gave of their time to sign a petition.
“Our campaign is focused on common sense solutions to the challenges we face every day in Hillsborough County and throughout
Tampa Housing To Host ‘Annual Strengthening Families’ Event
On Friday, June 15th, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., the Tampa Housing Authority will host its Annual Strengthening Families event. It will take place at the Oaks at Riverview Community Center, 110 E. Kirby Street, Tampa, 33604.
This year, the theme is,
“Empowering Fathers, Mothers, and Children.” It will feature entertainment, food, free books, haircuts, and giveaways. Vendors will be on hand to offer a variety of re- sources pertaining to health, wellness, education, job train- ing, employment, and home-
The Tampa Housing Au-
thority is expecting 200 atten- dees, who live throughout its communities.
The event, which is part of the HUD “Strong Families” initiative, was formerly known as HUD’s Father’s Day Initia- tive.
It came about as part of
President Barack Obama’s push for stronger families. It was adopted and implemented by HUD, which is the governing body for all Housing Authorities. The first event was held in 2010.

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