Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 6-15-18
P. 9

   Church Is Planning An ‘Exciting’ Father’s Day Event
 BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The Exciting Central Tampa Baptist Church has made plans for an exciting Father’s Day celebration.
With a new leader, Pas- tor Lennox Zamore, the men of the church are reach- ing out into the community to “get men out to bring their sons and daughters to enjoy a day of worship and fun. This is a family event,” said Keith L. Pope, who is a part of the committee spearheading the event.
The activities for the day begin with worship at 9 a. m. on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17th, with a message from 2 speakers, followed by several outdoor activities.
The speakers are 3-time Welterweight Champion of
Boxing, Julian Jackson, and professional power lifter, Big James.
“These are activities that most men will enjoy – car show, motorcycle show. And, we’re even having a “Grill-Off” to see who will be ‘King of the Grill’,” Pope said.
And that’s not all. The
event will feature lots of games, waterslide and other entertainment for the chil- dren. Several of the men from the church will interact in many of the activities with the fathers and children.
“We want the fathers to be seen as the center, heart and life of the family and community,” Pastor Zamore stated. He still re- calls the first outdoor activ- ity with his father at an outing, a bazaar in his hometown.
“However, we must re- member that this will be a sad day for many children. We will have dads on duty so no child is left behind.”
The church is located at 2923 N. Tampa St. (33602). For additional informa- tion, please call (813) 226-
   First Lady Darla Watson Killed In Traffic Accident In Texas
First Lady (Minister) Darla Watson, the wife of Rev. Frank Watson, Jr., was killed in a traffic acci- dent in Tyler, Texas. Mrs. Watson was 62 years old.
According to the children of Rev. and Mrs. Watson, Frank and Lakisha, their parents were involved in an accident with a tractor trailer on I-20. Mrs. Watson was
declared deceased at the scene. Rev. Watson is still hospitalized in ICU in Tyler, Texas. He is stable, LaK- isha said, but the doctors have told them it is a long road to recovery. “We’d still like to have the prayers of the community as he recov- ers,” she said.
The couple was just 2 hours away from their desti- nation of Dallas, TX, when the accident occurred. The children said they did not have complete details of the accident.
Rev. and Mrs. Watson, who had been married for 40 years, were founders of the Life Changing Bible Church in 1996.
For more information on Mrs. Watson, see funeral notice in this edition. Fu- neral services are Saturday, June 16th, 2 p. m. at St. John Progressive MB Church. Ray Williams Funeral Home is handling services.

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