Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 6-15-18
P. 8

One Church One Child Of Florida, Inc. 30th-Year Celebration Features Community Call-To-Action Special Program
             BOB MARTINEZ ...Former Florida Governor
One Church One Child of Florida, serving over 30 years in Florida, is partnering with Eckerd Connects, Chil- dren’s Home Society and
DARRYL ROUSON ...Florida State Senator
Florida Department of Chil- dren and Families to host a Community Call-To-Action Special Program, 6 p. m., on Saturday, June 23, 2018, at
FRANK REDDICK ...Tampa City Council Chair
Greater Mt. Carmel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 4209 North 34th Street, Tampa, Florida. Rev. Ricky Polk is the pastor.
With nearly 25,000 chil- dren in foster care, there is a real need for everyone to ask himself/herself the question ofwhatcanIdotomakea difference for some of these
MIKE CARROLL ...Secretary, DCF
children, especially those in my community or neighbor- hood, stated One Church One Child Executive Director Dr. Arie Sailor.
This urgent call goes out to community leaders, busi- ness leaders, Church leaders and members, organizations and agencies to attend this important event which fo- cuses on how everyone in the community can help with making the future brighter for children in the local com- munities and in foster care.
There will be answers to questions regarding actions that community members can take to change lives and change the future for many children.
State Board President Rev. Beverly Hills Lane, pushes the call to action say- ing, that, “We must each show God’s great love for mankind through our re- sponse to community needs, especially the children.”
“When you choose to in- vest in and enhance the lives of children and youth cur- rently in foster care, you are giving them an opportunity to be successful; ultimately
DR. ARIE SAILOR ...One Church One Child
REV. BEVERLY HILLS LANE ...State Board President
strengthening our communi- ties,” DCF Secretary Mike Carroll said. “Opening your heart and home to a child in a time of critical need is one of the most rewarding roles you can fulfill within your community.”
The Community Call-To- Action program participants include: former Florida Gov- ernor Bob Martinez, Florida State Senator Dar- ryl Rouson, Tampa City Council Chair Frank Red- dick, as well as Department of Children and Families, Community Based Care Agency and Providers and One Church One Child Rep- resentatives.

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