Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 6-15-18
P. 10
Fatal Overdose Lands Three Tampa Men In Jail
Earlier this week, law en- forcement charged a Tampa man in connection with a fatal drug overdose. Two other Tampa men were ar- rested in connection with the investigation as well.
It is the first such case in Hillsborough County where an individual has been ar- rested and federally indicted for the distribution of a powerful drug that resulted in death.
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with the U. S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida, conducted the investigation. As a result, Corey Damon Smith, Jr., 23, was charged in federal court with the distribution of Fen- tanyl resulting in death. Smith was arrested last month.
He faces a mandatory penalty of life in federal prison.
... Victim of fatal overdose
Jeffrey Rodriguez, 33, and 27-year-old Don- ald Calvin Hatch, Jr., were both arrested on Feb- ruary 20, 2018. They were each federally charged with conspiring to distribute heroin and Fentanyl. On a state level, they were charged with delivery of narcotics to undercover de- tectives.
Rodriguez was also charged with 5 counts of distribution of heroin and
COREY DAMOND SMITH, JR. ... Facing a mandatory
life sentence
Fentanyl, related to seven non-fatal Opioid overdoses in the Town N’ Country area, police said. He faces a mandatory penalty of life in federal prison.
Hatch was alleged to be responsible for distributing heroin and Fentanyl as a middle man for Ro- driguez. Hatchth pleaded guilty on June 6 . In his plea agreement, Hatch ad- mitted to conspiring with Rodriguez and acting as his
... Facing a mandatory life sentence
middleman. Hatch also ad- mitted to having used heroin sold o him by Ro- driguez and overdosing as a result. He is facing a max- imum of 30 years in prison. His sentencing is pending.
According to police, deputies with the Hillsbor- ough County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call on No- vember 13, 2017, in North Tampa in reference to an in- dividual who was unrespon- sive. The Hillsborough County Fire Rescue re- sponded and administered several doses of Narcan. However, the victim, identi- fied as Bradley Dykes died.
During the investigation, detectives learned that
DONALD CALVIN HATCH, JR. ... Facing up to 30 years
in prison
Dykes had allegedly bought drugs from Smith. The drugs were supposed to be heroin.
However, the Hillsbor- ough County Medical Ex- aminer’s Office stated Dykes died as a result of in- toxication by Fentanyl.
During the course of the investigation, undercover detectives reportedly bought heroin and Fentanyl several times from both Ro- driguez and Hatch.
The drugs purchased in- cluded 6.2 grams of heroin and Fentanyl. During a search of Rodriguez’ home, police seized $23,954 and 3 grams of heroin and Fentanyl.