Page 10 - TheBreakingCluasePreviewFinal
P. 10

flickering across the screen, “I see, that should

               be quite easy to fix now we know, thank god

               you saw this before it became irreversible

               Sam. I can see you’re going to go far with us.”

                 Sam grinned, “No, thank you, I’m glad I

               could help.”


                 Sam left Alex’s room with a bit of a swagger,

               he had only been there just over a month and

               he had already contributed to the

               fundamentals. Even more importantly though

               was that the big man of the department had

               noticed him – things are going well, he

               summarised to himself.

                 He continued the rest of the day pretty light

               heartedly and all the data recording, which he

               normally found suicide-provokingly dull went

               like nothing. It got to five o’clock and all his

               colleagues were starting to leave so he shut

               down his laptop and filed the papers that he
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