Page 13 - TheBreakingCluasePreviewFinal
P. 13
but it definitely has its perks.”
They continued their social banter until the
machine stopped at another floor and there
was a jolt. This time a larger influx of people
entered the elevator and the bigger man was
budged backwards, separating Sam and
Anouska. They both found themselves in
different groups of identically suited
businessmen on other sides of the lift.
Sam tried to get up on his tip-toes to see
where she was, but even though he was a tall
guy, Anouska, due of her tiny frame, was
completely hidden by the crowd of tailored
fabric all around them. Feeling disappointed,
he sat back on his heels and thought maybe he
could catch her when they got to the ground
For the next twenty minutes he stood there
listening to the office banter of mostly middle
age men and women. This was mainly about
their wives or husbands, houses, mortgages
and children, and at every floor the tiny free