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        Long Shadows in


        A Green Line Odyssey and Travel


        M.J.W. Clark

          Long Shadows in Cyprus is not just a travel book, it’s a deeply sensitive memoir and reflection on a
          gentler age.
          A celebration of Cyprus which is non-partisan, neither Greek nor Turkish but, rather, the seeking out of
          Cypriots and the Cypriot mindset.
          A walk for 200 km along the Green Line in Cyprus and muse on what the author sees, how it makes him feel
          and how it compares to his life on the island half a century earlier.

        Imagine if your childhood haunts were sealed off like an ancient tomb…

        M.J.W. Clark arrived in Cyprus as an eight-year-old in the summer of 1970 and lived there for two thrilling years.
        The Cold War was entrenched, hippy lifestyles were running out of steam, it was the era of the tie-dye T shirt,
        the Chopper bike and coke adverts ‘Teaching the World to Sing…’

        In the summer of 2018, the author returned to the island to walk The Green Line, the land trapped in the United
        Nation’s no-man’s land that divides it. Lying under half a century of almost sacred dust it is a 1970s world
        begging to be explored. Crossing into Northern and Southern Cyprus several times and taking the reader far
        from the tourist hordes, he undertakes a trek through deserted villages, quiet trails, silent woods and dry
        ravines. It’s a journey back through time and a discovery of how place and time affect who we become.

        M.J.W. Clark was born in Yorkshire in 1961. He was educated via BBC Radio 4 and by working in thousands
        of homes as an Engineer. He has also toured the world as a guitarist for various luminaries. He lives in a quiet
        Lincolnshire village with his wife, Gill.

        Publication Date: 28th July 2024                 £12.99                            ISBN: 9781805144557
        Thema subject category: DNC – Memoirs
        paperback     216 x 138 mm      336 pp     Portrait    Author location: Lincolnshire

       Sales: Star Book Sales LLP
       T: 01404 515050
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